tips for coping with an anxiety disorder

There are always many challenges in our lives. These challenges can be different and they affect an individual differently. But life becomes exceptionally difficult when we develop anxiety disorders from ongoing problems. It’s not that it’s a weakness and it’s not because it’s your fault that you have anxiety issues. You just have to do a few things to completely remove it from your lives and I am going to tell you how to cope with anxiety disorders in a practical way.

1. Educate yourself:

You can develop a basic understanding of anxiety disorders from books and articles. Imagine that if you know its symptoms and trigger points, you can simply avoid it.

It’s just that you should know what you are dealing with and what should be avoided to stop this issue.  Sometimes anxiety disorder develops from addiction so you should contact the drug addiction hotline to help you with this.

2. Therapeutic Techniques:

After gaining knowledge of your anxiety disorder, you can explore its therapeutic techniques, which help you cope with it. For example, I can suggest to you a technique called cognitive-behavioral therapy or exposure therapy which is used for anxiety disorders and has already helped many people.

3. Breathing and Relaxation Exercises:

See, breathing is such an important phenomenon for a calm mind. If you regularly do a few deep breathing practices, you will feel the three-sixty differences in your anxiety disorder. Sit down and start breathing deeply. At first, you can feel like it’s not working but after a few times, it will happen naturally.

4. Create a Support System:

I know it’s hard to trust people nowadays but the support system works in a very good way. You should have a few trusted friends whom you can talk to and share your experiences with without worrying too much.

5. Medication Management:

If you are taking medicine, then you should take it on time and manage it sincerely. You should trust your mental health professional and work closely with him. I am sure this will give you beautiful results. 

6. Establish a Healthy Routine:

Make a list of your daily routines and mark what you have to work on. Regular sleep, good, healthy meals, relaxation, and meditation are a few small steps that will help you check your anxiety disorder.

7. Mindfulness and Meditation:

Coming back to the present moment from our past and future thoughts is always beneficial for anxiety disorder. Do a few sessions of mindfulness and meditation every day, and it will calm your anxiety immediately.

8. Trigger situation: 

Avoid those people and negative situations that easily provoke your anxiety. Regular trigger situations will worsen your condition, and even if you take medication or seek professional help, it will all come back to zero eventually.

9. Set realistic goals:

If you are good at singing but you set a goal for yourself to perform in a dance competition to win, it’s an unrealistic expectation as well as ridiculous to even think like that. So do what you can and set realistic goals; it will be a great favor from yourself to yourself.

10. Physical Exercise:

If you are dealing with an anxiety disorder, blood circulation will surely help you. The physical body affects our mental health too much. So to keep your anxiety under control, try to control your physical health too.

11. Limit stimulants:

If you already deal with an increase in heart rate as well as restlessness, then please limit your stimulants like tea, coffee, and energy drinks. These stimulants can make your anxiety worse so keep track of what you are giving your body.


Anxiety disorder cannot be removed from your life in one day but regular efforts to incorporate these tips into your life will help you reduce it. Remember one thing if it’s out of your hands, do not just rely on a YouTube video to fight with it. Do get help from professionals who know how to treat it. As a mental health professional, I know how people are scared to even talk about it in front of people that they are taking help from a psychologist but seeking help from mental health professionals is the biggest sign of strength, not weakness.

By Caitlyn

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