daith piercing for weight loss

Planning to lose those extra pounds with the help of Daith piercing? Well, first of all, I want to say it is indeed a good idea. Daith piercing has gained immense popularity in recent times with the ever-increasing issue of obesity. But before you get on with it, it is important to know and understand the concept.

Here we will discuss all you need to know about daith piercing. What is it? How is it done? Why go for it, as well as all the facts about it? And keep on reading for some other fun facts at the end. Let’s begin!

What is Daith Piercing?

The thing is pretty simple in itself! It simply pierces the inner cartilage of the ear, just outside the auditory canal. Check out the image here to see the exact area we are talking about. Now that you know what area is actually involved, we can proceed further into the details.

How is it done?

Now we come to the next important question. That is what the procedure involves.

Daith Piercing for weight loss
  • Well, it is done by a professional using a special type of needle, or rather, a “staple gun,” as some might call it, and involves an extraordinary technique. 
  • The specific area is pierced.
  • The kind and size of the earrings you should wear are decided by the professional himself.
  • It is then left in place for about 3 months, and you will need to schedule another visit after that.

The concept involved

Okay, after understanding what daith piercing is and its procedure, it’s time we now discuss what it actually does that consequently sheds the extra pounds and helps us towards having the dream body.

Ever heard of a very ancient Chinese principle of acupuncture? Even if you haven’t, you don’t have to panic and Google it immediately, because I will do that work for you.

Acupuncture is basically the typical procedure of inserting needles into a person’s body at a certain depth and at a specific point. It is aimed at relieving pain by balancing the body’s energy, but it has several other benefits too. Scientifically, there’s no proof to date as to how this works, but the neurological explanations seem quite logical. There are as many as 350 known acupuncture points.

Why did I mention it here? Yeah, I totally hear your question. The answer: Daith piercing is based on the concept of acupuncture. I will tell you what actually happens:

  • The ear has quite a few such acupuncture points. 
  • Once a daith piercing is done, there are certain neurological stimulations that reduce your appetite.
  • Once you start eating less, because obviously you’re not hungry, your body starts using up its fat reserves to compensate for the energy requirement.
  • Poof, you start losing weight!
  • Some scientists also believe that this procedure releases endorphins, hormones that are responsible for controlling your emotions. So, more endorphins means less anxiety and stress. And, when it comes to overeating, these make us indulge in eating more and more and so we put on the pounds.

Daith piercing for weight loss.

Acupuncture needs proper analysis and measurements of those specific points in our body which are related to our inner functions and mind.

Why are we saying that you shouldn’t rely totally on daith piercing for weight loss?

Actually, to find a professional and verify that he is good at acupuncture and has proper knowledge is a really almost impossible task. That’s why the effectiveness of this technique is in doubt.

Daith piercing benefits

  • If done correctly, it reduces your anxiety and improves your mood.
  • According to many studies, it also helps treat migraines.
  • It helps you control your hunger and, eventually, your weight loss. 


Results do vary from person to person because of the different lifestyle choices of different individuals. We will discuss some common pros and cons here.


  • When done right, daith piercing can be your shortcut to achieving your dream figure! 
  • Combine it with regular exercise and healthy eating habits and you are sure to experience the results like millions of others who were successful in this.
  • The procedure is really quick.
  •  If you like to experiment with ear ornaments, then this is just the icing on the cake because of the added benefits.


  • Of course, it is a bit of a painful procedure. Those of you with an ear piercing can form an idea about it. 
  • Yes, I am not going to lie, but the procedure is quite expensive.
  • There is always a risk of infection if proper hygiene is not maintained.
  • And if the points are not properly identified, then it will be of no use.
  • Also, if your body gets too used to the effect, then you need to revisit the professional, who might then place the piercing in a little bit of a  different position. That is typically after 2-3 months.

Tragus piercing for weight loss.

Tragus Piercing for Weight Loss

You can get an idea of what tragus piercing is from the same image you referred to earlier to know what daith piercing is or see this picture here. 

Just like daith piercing, tragus piercing is also based on the acupuncture principle and works in a similar way by controlling your cravings and hunger issues. It is done in a similar way too, except obviously it involves a slightly separate area. Some people also try tragus piercing alongside daith piercing to increase or boost the beneficial effects. But then again, it depends on you to actually follow a healthy lifestyle to finally achieve the results. Some also claim it also helps in getting rid of smoking problems and migraines, but again, there’s no actual proof.

In various studies performed, the average rate of weight loss remains at approximately 4 pounds per week. However, even that is huge.

It is logical if it is truly based on acupuncture theory, but it is a difficult task to find those centers and professionals. 

Acupuncture involves pressing some specific points in our body that stimulate some activities in our body. 

But it’s not advisable to rely only on tragus or any type of piercing for weight loss. Although it is based on an ancient technique, this is not the only option.

Tragus piercing benefits.

  • According to some studies, tragus piercing helps to reduce weight, headaches, and migraines. 
  • If you want a change in your look, try a tragus piercing.
  • No matter if you are a boy or a girl, it would suit you amazingly.

Piercing for weight loss

It is a very strange but true fact. Many studies happened, and they concluded from their experiments and surveys that piercing helps in weight loss if it is done correctly.

We have definitely heard of acupressure.

According to science, our body has some acupressure points that connect to the inner functions of our body. 

In the area of the ear, there are some points that are related to our cravings and weight loss. If the piercing is done by a professional and the aim is weight loss, then it definitely gives you results.

Ear piercing for weight loss

Ear piercing for weight loss is emerging as one of the most popular techniques among people because of its less complicated process. This technique can be seen in many countries. 

Other solutions for weight loss require hard work, but thinking about a small ear piercing does really help you to lose weight. It is such a wonderful thing.

Ear piercing on the right point of our ears also helps those people who are addicted to heroin and alcohol. According to many studies, if the ear gets pierced at the right point, which is related to the addiction of alcohol and any drug, then that person can see the changes in their addictions.

Now it is clear that ear piercing not only helps you to lose weight but also makes your addictions to alcohol and drugs stay away from you.

Ear pressure point for weight loss

Acupressure is a very effective technique and it exists in the solutions to our problems, whether they are related to our body or mind.

Nowadays, weight loss is a very serious issue among young people as well as older people. No one can hide from this problem. There is no discrimination among ages.

So here is a technique that doesn’t require your hard work. Just knowledge and willpower can do magic.

How do ear pressure points work?

It’s very easy, you just have to find that particular point on your ear or the area near to your ear and press that point with a little pressure. You don’t need to do it with immense pressure, just a little bit.

There is a point on the ear to reduce and control hunger. There is a triangle-shaped part in the ear. That point is related to your appetite. All you have to do is place your index finger on that triangle part and move your jaw.

When you move your jaws, you have to find that part where there is more movement in that triangle-shaped tissue. When you spot that part ,stop moving your jaw and start pressing gently.

You have to do this for a minute. This controls your hunger.

Ear stapling for weight loss

Apparently, it is based on the concept of acupuncture. Many studies don’t consider it as effective as we thought and come up with some serious issues.

In this process, a few needles are pinched into the specific points on the ear and left for days, weeks, or even months. 

It is said that it works to control hunger. It is not advisable to rely totally on that. Unsanitized staples can create very serious issues, such as infections. 

What piercing helps with weight loss:

As we told you, piercing depends on the concept of acupuncture. Although it is becoming a popular technique to help with weight loss, you shouldn’t totally rely on it.

Science proves it, and acupuncture has existed for years. It is an ancient technique. Yes, if you hire a professional to pierce you and it is done correctly with proper safety and precautions, it will help you control your hunger.

Weight loss ear piercing chart

There are some specific points on the ear which stimulate our stomach activities. The middle part of our ear , near that triangle-shaped tissue, is connected to our hunger. 

If we get pierced at that particular point or do some acupressure there, we can control our hunger and eventually weight loss.  

Along with this benefit, there are also some points which are related to anxiety, depression, allergies, and many other issues.

Final words

A lot of people claim to have benefited from it. And it is always advisable to give it a try  it. And it is always advisable to give it a try only by adequately experienced professionals, as the slightest mistake will lead to it being of no use, and that is also the reason why some say it is ineffective. Plus, you do not want your money wasted, do you?

So, follow the guidelines that the professional lays down for you and take good care of your hygiene. Supplement with exercise and, if needed, visit a dietician to have a proper diet. 

That being said, thank you for reading this article and I hope it was informative enough for you. So, if you are overweight and want to try ear piercing options, then it is indeed worth giving it a shot!

I’ll see you soon with a new article!

By Caitlyn

3 thoughts on “Daith and Tragus Piercing for Weight Loss: Does it Work?”
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