Healthy Diet

There are long-held views and constant debates over whether red meat is good for you or the planet which never really reach any firm conclusions that can be agreed so if this is something to be included in a diet, how can it be done healthy?

Consider The Environment 

Taking an interest in how and where your meat is reared won’t just make you environmentally aware it will also give you an idea as to the quality of the meat you are consuming. The nutritional care that was taken with the animal in the rearing process correlates with the fat, lean and connective tissues within that will affect its overall quality. Grass-fed produce will usually be a good indicator of quality above factory-reared meats.

Check The Contents

Having decided to consume red meat you should consider the approach you take to different types. When opting for pork-based products it is best to avoid things like bacon and sausage as these are processed options with links to cancer. Focus your intake on a less fatty diet option in loin. The same approach should be taken to steaks with leaner cuts having fewer calories and fat while carrying a whole host of protein, iron and vitamins that are essential to a good diet. Ground meat is something to also pay particular attention to with any form of chicken, pork, turkey or beef that you buy having at least 90% leanness. Being a food detective and going over your choices means you are being health conscious and taking care of your diet before you eat.

Control Your Consumption

On a nutritional level, there is no denying that a quality dry-aged ribeye can have great health benefits in helping with muscle growth, blood flow and even weight loss. Choose quality steaks like those from the Chicago Steak Company, so you know your meat is fresh and doesn’t have lots of additional ingredients. Meat is also one of the main sources of vitamin B12 in the diet so it would be foolish to just completely remove it when it can offer as part of the collective. A reduction in the amount you eat could be of benefit, however, making up some but not a majority, of a meal you have. Cut serving sizes if you feel that this will help and maybe focus a day or two per week where meat doesn’t form a role in the meal you create. There are plenty of substitutes that can over great flavors and it offers you the chance to experiment with other things. Everything in moderation would therefore be the way to see things so that your red meat is just ‘part’ of a healthy diet and not a great big chunk of it. 

Overall, there is no need to consider red meat an unhealthy part of your diet if you include it wisely. The USDA recommends 5 1/2 ounces of lean meat per day so an all-day, everyday approach would not be wise but, like most things, enjoyed in moderation and balanced with other nutritious choices you will feel the benefits. Focusing on adding grains and beans to such meals would also be a positive habit to incorporate.

By Caitlyn

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