Mental Well-Being

The modern-day understanding of health has become very superficial. People tend to ignore other important aspects of overall health. The connotation of a healthy life has been reduced to merely physical fitness or nutritional food intake. They are undoubtedly among the most critical elements of health but not the only ones. There are other sides to health that play an equally or sometimes more important role. 

There are emotional, cognitive, and spiritual components of health as well. People tend to ignore them at large. Someone with the best physique might still be facing mental health problems. According to a survey by DoSomething, 1 in 5 young people encounter mental health issues once in their lifetime. The depression rates in the young population have risen from 5.9% in 2012 to 8.2%. With increasing societal pressure and global complexities, the amount is further growing.

The world is in dire need of addressing this issue. We need to address this concern aptly, whether on a personal or a communal level. For that, we must first understand the factors that risk our mental well-being. Only then will we be able to reach the root cause of these problems and take corrective measures. This article is an excellent source of gaining a deeper understanding of these problems. It highlights four factors that risk our mental well-being and how we can address them. 

Drug Abuse

According to United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), about 35 million people suffer from drug abuse. What’s more concerning is that only 1 in 7 people suffering from it receive treatment. People themselves have a part to play in it but are hesitant to receive such treatments. However, a reliable drug rehab treatment center can provide people various options they can choose from according to their individual needs. Besides, they provide inpatient and outpatient programs, making them a top pick for most people. 

Moreover, we can save ourselves from this evil on our own too. We must stay conscious of the negative impacts of drug abuse. It has a broader impact than we think. Besides, it is not only harmful to the addict but also their immediate social circle. It has disturbing effects on family and friends as well. So, if we understand these grave outcomes, we will naturally abstain from such unhealthy habits. 


According to the NCAVD (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence) report, about 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men suffer domestic violence. It leaves devastating impacts on their mental health along with the mental health of their children. Gradually, it forms a Domino Effect, and these individuals become faulty members of society. That is where it branches out and disturbs more people’s mental health.

Violence is not limited to domestic and household elements. There is violence in the media content we consume, movies we watch, news we listen to, and even cartoons our kids watch. Unconsciously, it all is disturbing our mental fabric. We might not realize it, but it produces exhaustion and irritation that funnels out at any available instance. 

Loss and the resultant grief

Losing someone or something very dear to the heart always brings deep sorrow and grief. Things start to go wrong when this grief becomes overwhelming. It takes a hefty toll if you do not manage it effectively and relieve it with time. It starts disturbing your mental health and hindering your emotional stability. It is, unfortunately, the most common reason for causing mental stress among people. According to a survey by the Recovery Village, 33% of people globally experience emotional stress. It accumulates over an uncontrollable limit and causes mental health problems.

Grief and loss can initiate a wide emotional eruption as not everyone has the right emotional intelligence to manage it. The recent COVID-19 pandemic showed us similar effects of grief and loss. A viable way to handle it is to remain positive. Social support from family and friends serves as a great help to pull someone out of grief. Moreover, recreational activities like visiting natural landscapes, serene destinations and taking up healthy habits like reading also help. 

Challenges of different stages of life

Life is constantly evolving. Nothing in this world can stop time and aging. We are growing with every passing minute. Therefore, life doesn’t remain the same. It goes through different stages at different instances, and every step has its challenges. These challenges also vary in their intensities. For some, they might be easier, but for some, they pose significant difficulties.

Life events and resultant changes like going to a new school, changing residence, making new friends, getting married, becoming a parent, and many others have different impacts. Some events come with specific responsibilities. If you don’t prepare for them, they will hurt your mental health. It would help if you realized that life doesn’t stay the same. Therefore, you should be more welcoming to change and deal with the transforming scenarios with a positive mindset. 

Final Thoughts

Life is a remarkable gift, and we must not waste it because of some emotional and mental challenges. These challenges will always be there. You can’t exclude them from your life. The recipe to a happy and content life lies in effectively managing them. With certain consciousness and cognitive maturity, you can easily manage and dissipate negative emotions. That is when you achieve stable mental health.

By Caitlyn

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