What is NEC, and how do you know if your baby has it? This article will help explain the causes of NEC, what to watch out for, and how you can help your baby recover.

What is NEC?

NEC is a serious condition that can cause your baby to become sick very quickly. It’s the most common and serious intestinal disease in premature infants, but it can be fatal if not treated. NEC stands for necrotizing enterocolitis. It’s also known as neonatal sepsis because it happens in newborns too young to fight off infections like this.

Premature infants can suffer from NEC due to shoddy formula milk; if in case your baby suffers from taking defective formula milk, you might consider filing an NEC baby formula lawsuit so you can get maximum compensation for your child’s suffering. 

Treatments for NEC

  • Surgery. If you have NEC, your doctor may recommend that you have surgery to remove part of your bowel and repair the damage. This is called a colectomy.
  • Antibiotics. If it’s determined that there is no infection, antibiotics may be given to prevent future episodes of NEC by preventing bacteria from sticking in the intestine wall.
  • Feeding changes: Avoid foods high in protein, such as eggs or hot dogs; these can cause inflammation if eaten too often! Also, avoid dairy products like milk because they are high in lactose which causes symptoms similar to those caused by an allergy reaction when consumed too much at once (lactose intolerance). 

Feeding changes

If your baby has NEC, breastfeeding may be more difficult than usual. In addition to the normal problems that come with breastfeeding, you’ll also need to ensure that you can keep up with their bowel movements and keep them hydrated.

  • Breastfeeding: This can be difficult if your baby has NEC because they often have a very high fever and are dehydrated. You’ll want to ensure they drink enough fluids, so they don’t get too low on fluids themselves. Also, prevent your babies from taking formula supplementation while healing from NEC, so they don’t become sicker. Baby formula milk contains less iron than human breast milk (iron helps protect against infection), but there’s also an increased risk of developing allergies if given frequently over time.”

Can You Prevent Necrotizing Enterocolitis 

There are a few ways you can help prevent NEC.

  • Breastfeed your baby as much as possible. This is one of the most effective ways to prevent NEC because breast milk contains antibodies that protect against infections in the gut. If you’re breastfeeding and want an extra boost, try buying organic cow’s milk or soy formula instead of regular store-bought ones—they typically have lower levels of bacteria than conventional brands.
  • Keep your baby’s tummy full throughout their life cycle by feeding them several times a day with breast milk or formula after birth until at least 4 months old (for premature babies). 


When it comes to your baby’s health, you want the best care possible. If you think your baby has NEC and are looking for answers, many resources are available to help. We hope this information has helped you understand NEC and how it affects babies. If you or someone close relates to any of these symptoms, please contact us as soon as possible!

By Caitlyn

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