Abortion Pill

Have you decided to undergo a medical abortion? Unplanned pregnancy is challenging for most women, feeling completely unprepared to acquire the role of mothers. Some females are overly young when faced with an unintended pregnancy, while others lead a busy lifestyle that involves no children.

In any case, during the first ten weeks, females can undergo a medical abortion, terminating gestation with the help of pills. Despite the non-invasiveness of the procedure, women should prepare both physically and mentally for the process, as well as recover properly after its completion. There are numerous medical clinics, such as the Charlotte abortion clinic, providing medical abortion services and emotional support to women. 

The guide below will introduce you to the process. 

How to prepare?

Not all women are eligible for medical abortion, including those more than ten weeks pregnant or suffering from pre-existing medical conditions. For instance, females with ectopic and molar pregnancies aren’t supposed to take the abortion pill. The former occurs when the embryo grows outside the uterus, whereas the latter occurs in the event of abnormal placenta development. 

In addition, women suffering from health issues related to kidney, liver, or cardiovascular health are advised against this procedure. The same goes for females with adrenaline gland issues, genetic diseases, or bleeding disorders. Also, women taking corticosteroids and anticlotting medications shouldn’t terminate their pregnancies in this manner. 

Females eligible for medical abortion are supposed to have a consultation with a doctor prior to the procedure. The doctor is supposed to evaluate the medical history of the patient, as well as confirm her pregnancy. Some doctors perform an ultrasound test in order to determine the exact length of the pregnancy and check the location of the embryo. 

Given the seriousness of this decision, females about to terminate their pregnancy are supposed to discuss the procedure with their doctors. They need to understand the way in which medical abortion works along with the risks, side effects, and potential complications involved in the process. Click here for some practical tips to help you decide whether or not to get an abortion. 

What to expect from the procedure?

Medical abortion is a non-invasive method of pregnancy termination, involving the use of two medicines. The first pill, called mifepristone, is taken at a clinic, whereas the second pill, called misoprostol, is taken at home at least twenty-four to forty-eight hours after the ingestion of the first medicine. 

The role of mifepristone is to block progesterone, released in the early stages of pregnancy. Once this hormone is blocked, the uterus lining starts breaking down, thus preventing embryo growth. After taking mifepristone, some women experience nausea and bleeding. In case there’s a risk of potential infection, the doctor will administer an antibiotic. Nevertheless, these side effects occur in a handful of women. 

Moreover, misoprostol is in charge of expelling the embryo from the uterus once the body becomes aware of pregnancy termination. This pill triggers uterus contractions in order for the embryo and uterus lining to be removed from the vagina. Unlike mifepristone, misoprostol induces severe cramping and bleeding, similar to the symptoms of miscarriage. 

Additionally, the process of bleeding and cramping commences between one and four hours after ingesting the pill. During the procedure, it’s common for women to notice blood clots and tissue on the pads, which is considered normal. In fact, the absence of bleeding and cramping during the first 24 hours is a reason to raise the alarm and contact the doctor. 

In most cases, the uterus lining tissue is removed during the first five hours, after which the cramps and bleeding become less severe. Nevertheless, occasional cramping might prolong for as long as two days. In order to relieve the pain, doctors recommend ibuprofen to patients, as well as some anti-nausea medicine if necessary. Aspirin should be avoided, as it intensifies bleeding. See the following link, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322533, for some useful self-care and recovery tips after abortion. 

Ultimately, a follow-up appointment is essential in order for the doctor to check the effectiveness of the procedure. Even though the effectiveness rate of medical abortion is nearly 98 %, the procedure might not be successful in case the administration of the medicines was done improperly. The doctor will perform an ultrasound to make sure the pregnancy is terminated. 


Women are supposed to recover both physically and mentally after a medical abortion. While physical recovery takes a few weeks, psychological recovery usually takes longer. Given the susceptibility of females to infection following abortion, they are supposed to avoid penetrative sex and swimming pools for as long as two weeks. 

In order to relieve cramping, females are suggested to massage their backs and stomachs, as well as apply heat to these body areas. Also, taking your temperature on a daily basis is recommended for detecting a potential infection. Fever is one of the leafing symptoms of infection. 

Furthermore, most women are likely to take ride on an emotional rollercoaster once the procedure is completed. The emotions may vary between moments of relief, depression, disappointment, and sadness. These feelings are triggered by the hormonal fluctuations happening during the initial weeks after abortion. In case the feeling of depression persists for months, make sure you discuss your feelings with your partner, a friend, or a therapist. 

Final word

Take proper physical and mental care when undergoing an abortion. It’s crucial for recovery!

By Caitlyn

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