Opiate Abuse

Opiates which can also be referred to as opioids are drugs that are used in treating pain medically. They can also be utilized for suppressing diarrhea and cough as well as for reversing opioid overdose. Other uses include treatment of restless leg syndrome and as opioid use disorder replacement therapy.

Opiates are extracted from the poppy plant opium. They can be made to be semi-synthetic or completely synthetic. These drugs are addictive when taken for a long time and unfortunately are often abused and overdosed. Although they are meant for medically treating some ailments, lots of people use them for self-medication and for recreational purposes. 

This is because of the euphoric effects that they have. However, it is a very dangerous practice. Heroin remains the most abused opiate. Others are codeine, morphine, methadone, oxycodone, meperidine, etc. You can read further about opiates here.

Cutting back on their use or stopping them after a time of consistent and heavy use will result in withdrawal symptoms. Lots of people all over the U.S are addicted to using opioids and hundreds die daily due to this. Sadly, these numbers keep growing.

With this growing number of opioid abusers, it is imperative to educate people about signs of addiction and the dangers involved. Also, it is important to provide help for those who want to withdraw from its use and are experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

Signs That Show That You Are Addicted to Opiates

Obtaining opiates such as heroin has become increasingly cheaper and easier. This has encouraged its abuse in no small measure. These substances are quite addictive and using them can easily become a habit. 

Most times, recognizing when addiction to it is occurring can be difficult till it is fully blown. After a period of abuse, it becomes apparent and cannot be hidden again. The signs begin to tell on the individual physically, emotionally, psychologically and mentally. It will affect the way they behave and this will be reflective of the amount they use and the frequency of use.

You will find common signs of opiate addiction here https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/drug-addiction/symptoms-causes/syc-20365112. Below are a few of them.

  • Stocking up on opiate medications
  • Showing signs of risky behaviors as well as changes in your decision-making.
  • Losing interest in your hobbies and activities you used to enjoy in the past.
  • Having mood swings you did not experience before opiate use.
  • Spending large sums on opiates and manipulating loved ones in order to get money to buy them.
  • Finding it difficult to maintain your wellbeing and health.
  • It can lead to issues such as divorce, loss of a job or income, etc.

All these symptoms or changes in behavior can be sudden and without prior notice when a person begins to abuse the drug. It is essential to acknowledge there is a problem and seek help as soon as possible. A substance abuse professional can work with you in finding a treatment plan that will work for you. 

Getting Help For Opiate Abuse

It is unlikely that someone who is addicted to opiate use will have the courage or strength to get help by themselves. It is therefore important that their loved ones and relatives work together to help them get the treatment they need.

There are opiate detoxification centers in Massachusetts for substance abuse and they can use many different treatment strategies. The strategy to use will depend on how far gone the addiction is or the state of the person’s wellbeing. The individual may receive treatment as an outpatient, be partially hospitalized, or may be fully hospitalized.

The opiate rehab center can offer medical care to help with detoxing and to assist with the withdrawal symptoms. They may offer behavioral support therapy to help retrain the individual as addiction typically affects behavioral patterns. They may also provide social services such as housing and employment that can help the individual settle back into normal life. 

Some of the benefits of seeking help for opiate addiction treatment include:

  • Reconnecting with loved ones and getting back meaningful relationships.
  • Getting back to stability in life, home and work.
  • Learning skills and healthy habits for coping with situations that want to encourage opioid abuse.
  • You will be stronger psychologically, mentally, emotionally and physically. You will avoid symptoms like weakness, lack of focus, confusion and so on that come with substance abuse.


Opiates are substances that have medical uses but can easily be abused. When this is the case with an individual, it is crucial to seek help as soon as possible. The involvement of family members is critical at this stage to help them get the help they need.

You should reach out to a substance rehab clinic. They will work with you to find the right treatment strategy and will help to restore you to a healthy life. The longer it goes untreated, the more difficult it is to treat and the more consequences you suffer.

By Caitlyn

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