
By 2040, 21.6% of the total U.S population will comprise older Americans.

More elderly means the rise in demand for caregiving services. 

But not all adults are satisfied with mere caregiving, they also need emotional support Something only their family and friends can give. 

So, how can a caregiver provide emotional support and assistance at the same time? 

Well, with the help of CDPAP (Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program), the New York state department has made it possible for elders to get caregiving services along with emotional support.

Wondering how? 

Well, here are four ways in which caregiving services can make your life easier:

1. They can be your family members.

Under the CDPAP program, a person is allowed to choose their caregiver. Therefore, elderlies who are uncomfortable sharing their lives with strangers can avail this benefit. 

The caregiver can be your son, daughter, nephew, or even your friend. 

Note: Spouses are kept out of this program. Your spouse cannot be termed as your caregiver. 

The best part about the program is that the assistant gets credited with monthly payments so that they can earn while taking care of you. 

2. You can quickly get a caregiver.

If you are wondering, will I have to go through an extensive process to avail an assistant? The answer is both YES and NO

You do have to go under a process to avail an assistant but that can be taken care of by Freedom Care (your fiscal intermediary).

From your documentation to paying your assistant, Freedom Care will take care of everything. 

However, you still need to be registered under either Medicaid or Medicare to avail of the service. 

Also, you must get a doctor’s order to enroll in the CDPAP program. The doc’s order will determine whether or not you need home care. 

3. From food to meds, everything is covered.

Depending on your medical condition, the assistant will provide you with everything. 

From timely food to medicines, they will be responsible for all of it. In addition, they will keep your surroundings clean, giving you a hygienic space to recover. 

You won’t have to go to the hospital for regular jabs. Instead, you can rely on your assistant for monitoring oxygen levels and inoculating jabs. 

Before approving them for your caregiving, they will be trained on-site for the job. 

4. The caretaker will stay with you as long as your medical condition lasts.

You must be thinking- oh, what if my assistance period gets over with me still being on bedrest?

Well, first of all, that won’t happen. Your assistant will have to mandatorily serve you until you are declared medically fit to take control. 

Moreover, if you are worried because you don’t know your assistant personally, you can relax because the state and the fiscal intermediary have all their records. 

They won’t send some random person to your home to look after you. Instead, they will ensure that person is authentic and capable enough to take care of you. 

Final Thoughts

Caregivers can act as your backbone. 

They will stay with you through thick and thin of things. In addition, they will ensure that you are medically stable by providing the needed medications and timely inoculations.

Enrolling in programs like CDPAP will allow the state and fiscal intermediaries like Freedom Care to help you through tough times. 

The best part about the program is that you don’t have to pay anything from your pocket. The caregiving remuneration will be paid by Freedom Care (your fiscal intermediary).

So, enroll in CDPAP through Freedom Care and avail extensive caregiving benefits. 

By Caitlyn

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