cognitive-behavioral therapy

If you are considering therapy for dealing with depression or anxiety, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) may be an ideal option. Many American therapists rely on the alternative to help patients alter their thoughts and behaviors. It means you can actually discover a new side of yourself that thinks and behaves positively. But you may come across several misconceptions along your journey. CBT is still a highly-misunderstood therapeutic option, despite its popularity and efficacy. The best thing to do is steer clear of these myths and misconceptions and proceed with confidence and optimism. Here are the ones you should stop believing right now.

Myth #1- CBT takes a rigid approach

Therapists practicing CBT follow structured protocols for diverse disorders, but it is definitely not a rigid therapy. Your clinician will go the extra mile to get an in-depth understanding of your needs and challenges. The therapy takes a collaborative and time-limited approach, making it actionable and realistic. Expect your therapist to ask about your history and circumstances, and dig deeper into your qualities, traits, and symptoms.

Myth #2- Emotions do not matter

Contrary to this misconception, your therapist does bother about your emotions. The treatment entails teaching skills to cope with emotional states, no matter how tumultuous they get. It helps you focus on the connection between your emotions, thoughts, and behavior. Since all three are interconnected, you can learn to manage your thoughts and actions regardless of the emotions you experience.. 

Myth #3- Outcomes are visible after a long time

If you believe that you will have to continue the treatment for years to get results, you are mistaken. The truth is that you can expect a change for the better after just a few sessions. Everything boils down to the expertise of your clinician. If you live in New York, look around for reputed cbt therapists nyc to get the best treatment. They can help you address specific challenges within a couple of months. More complex problems may require several months or longer, but you will feel the difference in a few sessions. 

Myth #4- It is too short to resolve problems effectively

While some people consider CBT a long-term therapy, others feel it is too short to deliver effective results. Once again, avoid this mindset because you learn to use techniques and tools to manage problems on your own. The therapy also ramps up your psychological skills, and you can improve them over time. Simply speaking, you become your own therapist eventually!

Myth #5- It is just about thinking positively

Another widely-prevalent misconception about CBT is that it is only about thinking positively. Instead, it is about changing your perspective and setting things in accurate and helpful ways. You perceive them more realistically and work towards realigning your beliefs and actions. If something is not positive, CBT helps you create strategies to deal with it rather than make it appear positive. 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is powerful and healing, but you need to have the right mindset to avail of its benefits. Avoid believing these misconceptions, and see things as they really are to have realistic expectations and achieve better outcomes. 

By Caitlyn

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