Better Sleep at Night

Sleeping for a reasonable amount of time is of utmost importance for a healthy and productive lifestyle. People with insufficient sleep have to deal with many problems that affect their work life, daily routines, and mental health. The reasons for insufficient sleep vary from person to person, but there are many ways in which they can deal with all such issues. 

Some people have reduced sleep time due to anxiety, which results in nightmares and frequent fear attacks. For such people, it is advised to look for dream interpretation methods that will introduce them to the meanings of their dreams. On the other hand, some people have reduced sleep due to various things that they do in everyday life. Having a proper and disciplined lifestyle can help you return back to normal sleeping patterns and will offer you a better sleep.

In this article, we will look at some of the things or habits that you can follow in order to have a better sleep.

1. Create a soothing environment:

It is often observed that our sleep largely depends on the type of environment we reside in. If you have a soothing and relaxing atmosphere with no noise, right temperature, no lights, and a fantastic aroma, then you will have a better sleep. Your interior also plays a significant role in affecting your mood, which thereby has an impact on your sleep.

People who have their houses or flats in the cities with more traffic noise have more sleeping issues as they can’t get enough silent environment. Moreover, people who stay away from city life with a more calm and peaceful environment are observed to have a better sleep.

If you want to sleep better at night, make the room aromatic, switch off all the lights including the dim lights, create enough temperature, try to cover all any noise if possible, and then see the difference. 

2. Follow a specific sleep schedule:

An irregular sleep schedule will affect not only your sleep but also your productivity and work life. It is necessary to discipline yourself so that your mind and body are in sync to adapt to your sleeping pattern. All you have to do is to make a specific sleep schedule and stick to it no matter what. It will be challenging to adapt to the changes in the beginning, but you will feel comfortable once this schedule becomes your habit. 

You can create a bedtime ritual if that helps you. It may vary from person to person, as some prefer to take a warm bath before bedtime while some prefer listening to mild music. You can also read or meditate before sleeping as you want. You don’t need to stretch a lot, but make sure that your body gets enough sleep of 8-9 hours. Keep a specific time to go to bed and get up in the morning. Try to follow the same timing even on weekends, as even a slight difference in your sleeping time can affect the whole schedule.

3. Control light exposure:

Exposure to light can significantly affect your sleeping patterns as it regulates your melatonin levels. If you are exposed to bright light, then the melatonin goes low and makes you more alert. On the other hand, if you are in a dark environment, the melatonin goes up, which ultimately makes you sleepy. Thus, even the blue light from your smartphone, tv, or digital clock may affect your sleep.

Here are some small steps you can take to improve your sleep.

  • Start your day by exposing yourself to bright sunny light. Open your windows and let the sunlight affect your mood. You will feel wide awake with this light.
  •  Consider working, eating, exercising, walking in areas with bright lights.
  •  As you move towards the end of your day, lower down the exposure of lights.
  •  Turn on dim lights while having your dinner.
  •  Avoid watching TV or your phone while you are going to sleep.

4. Control the intake of energy drinks:

Consumption of energy drinks can have a negative effect on your sleep. It is advisable not to consume caffeinated beverages, juices, and alcohol before you go to sleep. Also, drinking a lot of fluids may result in frequent bathroom visits, which can hinder your sleep. You should also avoid eating chocolates as it contains caffeine. If you have acidity problems, avoid eating spicy foods that can irritate you while you sleep.

5. Secure your mattress from bugs:

Your bed, mattress and cushion covers play a significant role in your sleep. If they are not clean, comfortable, and bug-free, you will have a hard time sleeping. The allergies and itchiness from your bed sheets will keep you awake for the whole night. Thus, dust the mattresses, cushions, and their covers from time to time basis so that they are clean. Seal them so that they are resistant to mold and dust mites. 

6. Exercise daily:

Doing daily exercise will not only keep you fit and healthy but also have a positive impact on your sleeping pattern. Even light activities like going for a walk or jogging in the morning can help you a lot. You won’t observe the difference instantly as it takes time for your body to reflect the changes. Thus, you need to be consistent in doing exercise that helps you in promoting better sleep. The more you exercise, the better you will sleep.

7. Avoid day-time naps:

If you feel tired or sleepy during the day, make sure you take a nap for not more than 30 minutes. Longer naps during the day can make you feel sleepier for the rest of the day, which will ultimately affect your night sleep.


These were some of the simple tips you can follow to have a proper sleep. You can also try to meditate as it will offer you a relaxing environment and help you sleep better. If you still face problems in having a proper sleep schedule, ask your family doctor for any suggestions.

By Caitlyn

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