Creatine vs. Whey Protein

Are you new to working out? If so, are you thinking of gaining more muscle mass? Or are you an athlete looking for that added boost to your system? Then you’re on the right page since we’ll be talking about whey protein and creatine—two of the most popular supplements on the market that can help with muscle growth. 

If you’re new to the world of supplements and don’t know which to pick,  you may be at a loss right now. But don’t fret because this article covers everything you need to know between whey protein and creatine supplements and which one suits you better! 

What Is Creatine?

Creatine is an organic compound that can be found in your brain tissue and muscle. This compound is made from a mixture of three amino acids: methionine, arginine, and glycine. Creatine plays a significant role in the production of ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate. 

ATP is the primary energy source that fuels explosive movements such as lifting, sprinting, and throwing. It powers our movements.

Benefits of Creatine

You’ll be happy to know that creatine is the most researched training nutrition supplement worldwide. The International Society of Sports Nutrition noted that it’s the most prevalent nutritional aid for athletes nowadays. They also stated that it’s the most effective supplement for enhancing high-intensity exercise capacity and gaining lean body mass. 

The following are more critical benefits of creatine:

  • Enhanced maximal power
  • Helps brain function
  • Enhanced cycling power
  • Increased maximal strength
  • It helps build muscle mass
  • Enhance sprint performance
  • Enhance work capacity
  • Speeds muscle growth
  • May lower sugar levels 

How To Use Creatine in Your Workout Routine

Most individuals get their creatine from red meat and seafood. You can also find good creatine supplement options for your gym goals. Meanwhile, the pancreas, kidneys, and liver make about 1 to 2 grams of creatine daily. 

However, if you want to build muscle, you should consume 20 grams daily for a limited time, followed by 3 to 5 grams daily intake. Moreover, you should take your creatine supplements before and after your workout. 

What Is Whey?

Whey protein is a short term for the various proteins that can be isolated from whey. When milk is separated while making cheese, whey is the liquid fraction of that milk. Milk’s proteins consist of 20 percent whey and 80 percent casein. Additionally, the prime component of whey protein is dairy protein, the 20% protein in cow’s milk. 

Whey protein is turned into powder and used in training and exercise supplements. The whey protein you see on the market contains all nine essential amino acids you should get from a food source. It contains high amounts of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), valine, leucine, and isoleucine. 

This product is a well-regarded protein source by numerous gym and health experts due to its fast absorption rate, richness in BCAAs, and high bioavailability. 

Benefits of Whey

Numerous experts have researched this product’s role in muscle building like creatinine. A daily protein intake of 1.4-2.0 grams/kg/day for gym goers trying to gain and maintain muscle mass is advised. Whey protein is a supplement numerous individuals use due to the following benefits:

  • Enhanced strength
  • Rich in essential amino acids, e.g., branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)
  • Enhanced body composition
  • Decrease in appetite (when whey protein is consumed before a meal)
  • Increased recovery rate (after resistance exercises)
  • Promotes muscle growth
  • Increased muscle protein synthesis
  • Excellent source of high-quality protein

How To Use Whey in Your Workout Routine

You may drink whey protein supplements any time of the day to reach your protein intake goals. However, the best time to consume your protein shake is during your post-workout or after a workout. Luckily, the total amount of protein you consume for increasing muscle mass is much more essential than the timing. 

Use about 1-2 scoops of the powder, just as recommended on the packaging. If your protein intake is already high, adding this supplement to your diet may be unnecessary for your diet and wallet.

Difference Between Creatine and Whey

Creatine is an organic compound that’s made up of three different amino acids. The muscle mass you gain from creatine is due to the supplement’s ability to enhance your high-intensity exercise performance. 

On the other hand, whey protein is composed of various amino acids, including essential and non-essential ones. The muscle mass you gain with this supplement is due to the supplement’s ability to increase muscle protein synthesis.

Which Supplements Should I Take: Creatine or Whey Protein?

The answer to this question would depend on your diet and gym goals. Are you looking for a supplement that can give direct performance enhancements, e.g., increased strength and power? If so, then the ideal supplement would be creatine.

On the other hand, if you’re on the search for a supplement that can help you reach your daily protein goals, then whey protein is advisable. As you know, protein is essential for increased muscle mass. 

If you have to look at the expenses, creatine is less costly. Meanwhile, if you’re new to training at the gym and just starting, whey protein would help you reach your intake protein goals faster. It would be hard for a beginner to depend on the food since calorie counting is hard. 

Final Thoughts

Choosing between whey protein and creatine supplements is like comparing apples to oranges. Each has its key differences, but both have the same effect. Choosing between the two depends on your preferences and budget. Learning more about the supplements can help make decision-making more manageable, so use the guide above.

By Caitlyn

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