How long does Adderall last?

Adderall is a type of drug used to treat Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is a combination of ‘Big 2’ stimulants dextroamphetamine and amphetamine that plays a major role in stimulating the Central Nervous System as once it gets into the brain it disturbs the flow of naturally occurring neurotransmitters including dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.

Along with helping to treat various small issues such as paying attention to a particular work, controlling behavior, helping to stay concentrated and improving listening skills, etc. It also helps in dealing with much bigger disorders as well including narcolepsy.

But like any other drug Adderall is also being illegally misused by a large group of people that leads to a lot of side-effects and eventually affects your brain along with the rest of the body. 

From major complications such as affecting your cardiovascular system to causing minor side effects like weight loss, stomach ache, vomiting, headache, loss of appetite, diarrhea, change in blood pressure, fever, etc. It is important to take proper precautions before taking it as this drug can be really harmful to you.  

So, like any other drug before consuming Adderall also it is of the utmost importance to know everything about it.  

How long does Adderall last?

As already told, Adderall is composed of two major components dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. Here, the half-life of Dextroamphetamine is around 10 hours. This means after a time period of 10 hours, only 50% of the drug remains in your body, leaving the other 50% out of your body. Whereas, amphetamine stays in your body for up to 3 days.  

Apart from this the period till how long the Adderall stays in your system also depends on several other factors such as age, metabolism, amount of drug taken, stress level, and overall health of the person. The best option to test the level of Adderall is through a urine test. Apart from this, the other options include – hair, saliva, and blood query.

  • Blood– An online blood test is the quickest way to detect if Adderall is present in your body. It can be detected up to 46 hours after its last usage.
  • Urine – Another fastest way to detect the presence of Adderall in your body is through a urine test. The urine test can detect the presence of Adderall within 48-72 hours after its last usage. 
  • Saliva – Adderall can be detected within 20-50 hours after its last usage. 
  • Hair – Although this is not a very common method to do the testing still it can be used. You can detect the presence of Adderall in your body and it can take up to 3 months before its last consumption.

How long does Adderall XR last?

Two types of Adderall can be found in pharmacies. They are named as:

  • Adderall immediate release (IR)
  • Adderall extended-release (XR)

Although both these drugs contain dextroamphetamine and amphetamine so both are equally responsible for causing the side-effects. 

  • The difference between the two is that Adderall IR is available in the form of a tablet whereas the later is available in the form of a capsule. 
  • Adderall IR dumps quickly in the system and gives you immediate energy whereas Adderall XR is released slowly in the system so you won’t see any immediate effect.
  • Also, as per the research done, it is being proved that Adderall IR has higher chances of being illegally used than Adderall XR since half dosage of IR is equal to the full dosage of IR. 

How long does Adderall stay in your urine?

Adderall can be out of your system in 3 days. Though it also depends on a variety of other factors also which are already explained. Various methods can be used to detect the intake of the drug in your system. One of the most common methods to detect Adderall in your body is through a Urine test.

The amount of drug you have taken will play a role in the process of detecting Adderall in the urine. On average, it can take up to 48-72 hours to detect the drug after its last usage. The other methods which can be used to detect the drug are saliva, hair, blood test.

Adderall Drug Test

As already said, there are various methods available if you want to detect the presence of Adderall in your body. The best and the most efficient way to find the presence of Adderall in your system is through a urine test. The other types of testing that can be done in order to find the Adderall in your body is with the help of blood test, hair and saliva. 

How long does Adderall take to kick in?

There are two types of Adderall that can be found in pharmacies and the amount of time they take to kick in differs in both the types. In the case of Adderall Immediate release(IR), it can take between 20-30 minutes to work after it has been taken. It can take up to 1-2 hours to get highly effective in your body after taking it. In the case of Adderall extended-release (XR), it can take up to 30 to kick in. Also, it comes with a longer effect.

How to get Adderall out of your system?

As already told, factors such as a person’s body weight, metabolism, and the amount of drug consumed, plays a major role in deciding how long the drug-like Adderall will stay in your body. 

Although many websites or magazines list different products to try and get the drug thrown out of your system. 

However, the best thing as a patient you can do is not to follow any of these unnecessary bits of advice and let the drug flow out naturally without any external chemical interference. 


You can detect the presence of Adderall in your body by using certain methods. The most effective way to detect Adderall in your system is a urine test. It can take up to 72 hours to detect Adderall in your system after your last usage. In the case of blood, it can take up to 46 hours to detect the drug. In the case of saliva, it takes 20 to 50 hours and up to 3 months in hair.

How long the drug stays in your system varies for every individual. It depends on various other factors like the amount of drug taken, the metabolic process of your body, age, weight, stress and overall health of the person.

It is also advised to consult a doctor to know whether you are fit for the medication. Also, never forget to take the exact amount of the drug as prescribed by your doctor as it can have a lot of side effects also.

By Caitlyn