How to Avoid Teeth Cavities

Do you have small holes in the hard surface of your teeth? Those are dental caries or cavities. They occur because of the bacteria on the teeth’ surface that creates acid out of the sugar. The most common bacteria are Streptococcus mutans. 

Bacteria make a sticky film called a plaque. The plaque acids remove minerals from your enamel (demineralize). The erosion causes tiny holes to form in the cavity. Once the damages get into the dentin layer, it creates a cavity. In this dental health blog, you will get ways to avoid cavities. 

Avoiding dental cavities at home

Several factors led to the rise of cavities. Once a cavity forms in the dentin, it is hard to get rid of it at home. The following tips will enable you to prevent the occurrence of teeth cavities. 

Sugar-free gum

You need to avoid chewing sugary gums after taking meals to aid in remineralizing enamel. Gums with xylitol have a higher ability to stimulate saliva flow. They raise the plaque pH and reduce Streptococcus mutans bacteria. 

The sugar-free gums with CPP-ACP (casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate) reduce the S. mutans bacteria more than chewing gums with xylitol. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential to absorb phosphate and calcium from the food you eat. Studies reveal an inverse relationship between taking vitamin D foods and calcium with cavities in children. You can derive vitamin D from the dairy products like yogurt and milk. The sun also provides vitamin D. 

Brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste

Fluoride has an essential role in preventing teeth cavities. It also aids in the remineralizing of the enamel. Regular teeth brushing using fluoride toothpaste limits cavities. These kinds of toothpaste are safe for children, teens, adults, and the elderly to use. 

Limit sugary foods

Limiting sugary foods is a cavity prevention measure that most people don’t like to hear about in life. From the world health organization report, you need to reduce your sugar intake. Your sugar intake has to be less than 10% of the total caloric intake every day. 

If you eat sugary foods, avoid snacking on them for the entire day. Limiting the sugar gives your enamel a chance to remineralize. 

Oil pulling

Oil pulling is a traditional practice. It involves swishing around coconut or sesame oil in your mouth for 20 minutes before you spit it out. The oil reduces gingivitis, plaque, and some bacteria in the mouth. 

Licorice root

The Chinese licorice plant extracts can limit the bacteria responsible for dental cavities. The licorice extract reduces the S. mutans in your mouth to prevent cavities. 

Visiting a dentist

Dental problems deep cavities included develop without any symptoms or pain. Going for regular dental checkups is ideal for catching a cavity at the initial stages. The earlier diagnosis means more accessible treatment. 

There are different ways dentists use to treat cavities:

Fluoride treatments – professional fluoride treatments have more fluoride than toothpaste. If your condition needs fluorides, then a dentist will provide the prescription. 

Fillings – it’s the primary treatment when a cavity is beyond the enamel.

Root canals – when your tooth decay gets to the inner pulp, you need this treatment. 

Crowns – it’s a custom-fitted cap or covering placed over your tooth to inhibit extensive decay. 

Tooth extractions – it’s the removal of a severely affected and decayed tooth. 


The above preventive measures will not help for an existing cavity in your tooth. These are methods to prevent new cavities from affecting your teeth. Remember to pay regular visits to a dentist for analysis and treatment even if you sound okay. 

By Caitlyn

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