Teeth Whitening

As much as individuals long for a bright smile, the whiteness of teeth seems to fade over time. The consumption of acidic and teeth-staining ingredients does no good their color, which gradually turns from white to yellowish. 

Staining, however, can be removed with the help of teeth-whitening procedures, such as teeth-whitening kits or professional bleaching. Regardless of the method you choose, there are certain steps you should follow in order to have a bright smile, such as scheduling a dental appointment, picking a shade, reducing sensitivity, and practicing good oral hygiene. There are numerous SNOW teeth whitening kits on Amazon, providing dental-quality results. 

Make sure you follow the steps below when preparing for such a procedure. 

Schedule a dental checkup

The initial step to take prior to teeth whitening is scheduling a dental checkup. During the examination, the dentist is supposed to inspect the condition of your teeth and gums by looking for cavities, tooth decay, and symptoms of gum disease. 

Once the dentist considers you a good candidate for a teeth-whitening procedure, he/she should move on to having your teeth cleaned. The cleaning process is necessary for the removal of tartar and plaque, which is vital in the preparation of the enamel. In the event of trauma or prolonged antibiotic exposure, the dentist may choose to recommend a more effective whitening alternative suitable for the elimination of intrinsic stains. 

In addition, practicing good oral hygiene a couple of weeks before the treatment would even further enhance the elimination of tartar and sediments. Therefore, make sure to floss and brush your teeth on a daily basis for several weeks prior to having them whitened.

Pick the right shade

The following step in the preparation process is picking the right shade. In order to select the best one, the dentist will help you in determining the shade you currently have, as well as your goal shade. Keep in mind that choosing a couple of shades whiter than the existing one will most likely lead to an unrealistic appearance. Therefore, a gradual change in appearance is more recommended.

Furthermore, the type of discoloration plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of the procedure. For example, intrinsic stains pose more difficulties when it comes to teeth whitening, as these affect the part of the tooth underneath the enamel. Also, people who have veneers and crowns installed should keep in mind these cannot be whitened. Click here to learn everything you need to know about dental veneers.

Reduce sensitivity

An obligatory preparation step for individuals with sensitive teeth and gums is desensitization. Unless taking the necessary desensitization steps, these people are at risk of experiencing discomfort while the procedure lasts. Some of the recommended tips involve avoiding acidic foods, reducing the use of mouthwash, and using a gentle brushing technique. 

Another useful tip is purchasing a desensitizing toothpaste made with special ingredients to prevent pain from affecting the nerve. Such toothpaste is best used for a two-week period prior to the procedure in order to yield the necessary results. When shopping for this type of toothpaste, check the ingredient list for strontium chloride and potassium nitrate, which are responsible for blocking the pain. 

Additionally, this toothpaste should not only be used prior to the treatment but following the procedure as well. Teeth have a tendency to be sensitive once the treatment is over because of the exposure to a bleaching agent. 

Foods to eat and avoid

Another way to get prepared for a teeth-whitening procedure is by paying attention to the foods you are supposed to consume prior to the treatment, as well as those you are advised to avoid. For example, individuals are likely to reduce staining by consuming rice, fish, bananas, chicken, potatoes, yogurt, cauliflower, cheese, etc. See this link, https://www.healthline.com/health/foods-that-whiten-teeth, to check out five foods that aid the whitening process. 

On the other hand, there is a long list of foods individuals should avoid due to their staining properties. This list includes red meats, red sauces, ketchup, soy sauce, mustard, berries, carrots, beetroot, curry, red wine, tea, coffee, etc. Refraining from these ingredients would definitely reduce the process of staining. 

Practice other habits for reducing staining

There is a vast array of techniques to practice for the purpose of stain removal. For instance, one should steer clear of red wine, coffee, black tea, etc. Also, when having a drink, one is supposed to use a straw to prevent staining. If you can’t give up drinking soda and milkshake, the least you can do is drink through a straw so as to prevent the liquid from coming in contact with the teeth. 

Another piece of useful advice is chewing gum after meals. The role of chewing gums is to provide stimulation of the salivary glands. Saliva plays a crucial role in the prevention of staining due to its ability to remove any kind of debris from the mouth. Additionally, rinsing is a useful habit that impedes the staining process. This habit should be practiced after each meal containing teeth-staining ingredients so as to prevent them from sticking to the enamel. 

Furthermore, crunchy foods are recommended to be consumed between meals like celery, apples, cereals, crusty bread, etc. In contrast, citrus fruits should be avoided by individuals having sensitive teeth. 

Consider custom trays

Another tip to bear in mind when getting ready for a teeth-whitening procedure is the possibility to use custom trays. These are famous for being incredibly effective and less invasive when it comes to gums. The whitening gel is applied to the right areas without imposing a risk of coming in contact with the gums. 

Moreover, since these trays are personalized, people find them extremely comfortable. Consequently, custom trays are the right solution for patients whose gums are either too sensitive or damaged. It’s the best way to prevent gum irritation or at least minimize it. 

The bottom line

Oral health should be a top priority for every individual. 

Take good care of it!

By Caitlyn

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