How Much Do Dental Implants Cost

Imagine yourself flashing your pearly whites at every social event, turning heads with your renewed confidence.  

That’s what dental implants can bring to people dealing with tooth loss from various causes. But there’s a catch. Without proper care, you may be unable to enjoy their benefits fully. Worse, they go to waste.  

If you just got dental implants Mississauga, there’s a lot to learn about taking care of these essential devices. Fortunately, this article covers the key bits you need to remember. 

To make sure your oral health investment lasts for years to come, here are six tips to consider: 

  1. Maintain A Healthy Dental Routine   

Good oral hygiene is crucial for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. The same goes for your dental implants. 

Here are vital practices you must uphold as part of your regular oral routine: 

  • Brush the implants at least twice a day, similar to how you would brush your natural teeth.  
  • Floss daily to remove any debris that can lead to plaque buildup.  
  • Use a toothbrush with gentle bristles to prevent scuffing on the implants and wounding the tissues beneath.  
  • Consult your dentist about using antimicrobial mouthwash for extra protection.  

Remember that self-care should go hand-in-hand with professional care. Never hesitate to ask questions on how to take care of your implants. 

  1. Get Regular Dental Checkups  

Even if you brush and floss regularly, seeing your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings is still essential. Regular examinations play a pivotal role in the longevity of your dental implants in Mississauga. Here’s why:   

  • Dentists can examine the implants for any signs of damage or disease.   
  • Regular dental visits every six months can keep you updated on when you need some additional servicing, such as a proper oral cleaning.  

From professional care, let’s turn our attention to a factor often overlooked—nutrition.

  1. Eat Right 

While dental implants effectively replace missing teeth, maintaining them requires some routines that serve your original teeth. That includes what you regularly eat.

A diet full of sugary foods and drinks may put you at risk of developing gum disease around your implants. Here are more ways your diet affects their efficacy and longevity: 

  • Food packed with vitamins A, D, and C, as well as calcium and phosphorus, supports your oral health. Ideally, your diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. 
  • Hydrating properly can help wash away food particles and bacteria, aiding in maintaining a clean oral environment. 
  • Chewing hard foods could damage your implants. Mix up what you eat once in a while.

Talk to your dentist about the best daily meal choices to support your implants and oral health.

  1. Exercise Care

If you lead an active lifestyle, you might have concerns about the safety of certain activities after dental implant surgery. For contact sports or similar endeavors, make sure you wear a mouthguard to protect your implants from potential damage. Also, watch out for any pain before, during, or after.

If you just had them, please follow your dentist’s advice on following a recovery period.

  1. Consider Quitting Smoking

Curbing this habit is a pivotal step toward the longevity of your implants. Smoking has serious effects on the body, especially on the mouth, which is most exposed to the chemicals produced by tobacco and similar products. 

The toxins in cigarette smoke can impede blood flow, which slows healing after implant surgery and increases the risk of infections. Moreover, smoking can lead to bone loss in the jaw, reducing its ability to support the implants securely.

A smoke-free lifestyle offers a variety of benefits, all in all. The process of quitting takes time, but its effects show, especially in your smile.

  1. Understanding Potential Implant Complications  

Despite our best efforts, complications can sometimes arise. 

As with any surgery, potential hazards of dental implants include infection, nerve damage, and implant failure. However, the risks are generally low, and the advantages of dental implants far outweigh them. 

Understanding the signs and symptoms of potential problems can help you act quickly to prevent further damage. Look for increased sensitivity, discomfort, infection, bleeding, or swelling around the implant. Call your dentist right away for advice.

Make Them Last

Maintaining your dental implants in Mississauga involves regular hygiene, routine dental visits, balanced nutrition, careful activity, and awareness of potential complications. Remember, these steps ensure your implants’ longevity, providing you with a radiant and confident smile for years to come.  

Above all, stick to what your dentist tells you about aftercare and maintenance. With their help, you can enjoy the full benefits of these fully functional tooth replacements.

By Caitlyn