Kid’s Feet

Your children’s feet are two of the most used and abused parts of their body. But they’re also the least taken care of. We rarely have them checked whenever they experience pain. We often just rely on topical products and a good night rest. Or worse, we just ignore them.

That’s why we need to talk about foot care for kids more often. Looking after their feet at a very young age is only necessary. Taking care of their feet now will allow them to have a strong pair that will support them throughout their adult life.

Having said that, mum and dad, listen up! Below are only some of the things that you should keep an eye on your kid’s feet. Attending these problems will keep their feet in good shape!

Growing Pains

There are a lot of physical changes that can happen to your kids in such a short period of time. This occurrence is what they call growth spurt. While it’s only normal for kids to go through this, growth spurts can be painful, too.

As they are growing, other parts of their body try to keep up. And it’s usually the legs and feet that take the toll of it since they’re the main support for their entire body. In addition to that, kids love to run, play, and jump, too! These activities can certainly add stress to their lower extremities.

So when your children go through growth spurt and you hear them complaining of pain, don’t just ignore them. Instead, give them a light massage and some stretching to ease the pain.

However, if the pain becomes unbearable, you should bring them to a children’s podiatry clinic Watsonia North for proper assessment.


Kids who suffer from intoeing are also called pigeon-toed. And there are various reasons why intoeing happens to your child, depending on your kid’s age. But one thing’s for sure: there’s always a link between the hips, knees and feet.

If you’re concerned about your kids’ intoeing, you can bring them to a foot doctor. During your visit, you will be asked about your pregnancy, delivery, and your child’s physical development so the podiatrist can have a better understanding why your kid is pigeon-toed.

Treatment can vary from changing the posture, various exercises, and changing their shoes.


Tiptoeing or toe walking can be the result of some developmental issues in your child. Toe walking is also often linked to cerebral palsy, autism, and muscular dystrophy.

If your kid walks without his or her heel touching the ground, expect some pain or tightness in their calf muscles.

When it comes to treatment, stretching and some night splints will help. But in extreme cases, some children undergo surgery.

Increased Tripping

Tripping is only natural, especially for kids. When they’re playing and having the time of their lives, sometimes they step the wrong foot, or they step on something, or they simply lose their balance,

But if the tripping happens repeatedly, that’s when you might have a problem. Increased tripping can happen because of weak muscles, and flexible joints that fail to support the body efficiently.

Ingrown Nails

There are several reasons why ingrown nails sprout on your kid’s toes. A heavy object probably dropped on the nail, or the nails were cut incorrectly, or probably because of the shoes that are too narrow or small for the size of your kid’s feet.

While ingrown nails are uncommon in kids, you still have to watch out for them because these can cause a lot of pain to your children.

When your kids have ingrown nails, they’re also susceptible to infection. So don’t just brush off your kids’ complaints about their nails. It’s best that you go visit a foot doctor to get your kid treated immediately.

These are only some of the things that you should watch out for in your kid’s feet. Once you’ve seen or observed these in your child, it’s best that you take action immediately.

While light massages and home medication can help them ease the pain, going to a podiatry clinic is the better option. This way your kid’s feet will be assessed properly and treated immediately.

By Caitlyn

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