Wisdom Teeth Removal

It’s common for people aged 17 to 25 years to experience their third molars or wisdom teeth erupting. However, there are also situations wherein they occur some more years later. While some don’t have problems with the wisdom tooth growing behind the second molars and perfectly lined up, some experience pain, and the wisdom tooth fails to develop normally. If what you’re experiencing is the latter, it’s only advisable to have it removed. 

Whether you’re currently planning to have your wisdom teeth removal surgery or you’ve already undergone the procedure, it’s vital to know the right tips to have a speedy recovery. The key here is to entrust your dental health to the most professional dental clinic, like Durango Dental, or your family dentist who’s taken care of your family’s oral health for years. Oral surgeons are often the ones who perform wisdom teeth removal surgery, so ensure to have it done by the best. 

Along with your dentist’s advice, here are some more recovery tips after you get your wisdom teeth removed: 

  1. Use Ice Therapy  

Ice therapy has been proven to alleviate pain in many health conditions. This is common for bruises and injuries, and many athletes do it after a game. This is also helpful for your post wisdom teeth removal. Ice is often recommended after wisdom teeth removal to relieve pain. Additionally, this helps reduce bruising and swelling after surgery. 

The extraction site should be covered with an ice pack for 10 to 20 minutes. You can repeat the process, but ensure to let your face rest for at least 30 minutes, so your skin won’t turn red and get irritated. Try to do this as much as possible within 36 to 48 hours after your procedure.  

Swelling will inevitably occur after wisdom teeth removal. Ice therapy can help mediate and control the swelling, so try to do this recovery tip religiously, especially one to three days after your surgery. This will help with the discomfort and pain that you feel. However, do note that your dentist may recommend warm, moist compresses instead if you had an infection before the procedure. 

  1. Rinse Mouth With Salt Water  

It’s essential not to rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours following the procedure. Perhaps, your dentist will also instruct you about this. But, depending on their advice, you may finally rinse your mouth after some days, and do it with salt water, which has loads of health uses

To remove food particles from the socket, rinse with a warm salt solution after every meal. This ensures that no other leftover particles are lurking in your mouth, especially your sockets. Due to the antibacterial properties that come with salt, it makes for an excellent cleaning solution for your mouth after wisdom teeth removal. You can also prevent infections by rinsing it with salt. 

  1. Avoid Solid Foods For The Time Being  

Following the surgery, it’s strongly recommended to follow a liquid diet for the first 24 hours. You can verify this tip with your dentist. While some would allow you to eat solids, some dentists advise strongly against it. However, one thing is common—you should drink as many liquids as you can to avoid dehydration. The next day, you may finally eat some soft and easy-to-chew foods.  

You should avoid chewing-intensive foods. It’s also recommended that you don’t use a straw during this period, as it can loosen blood clots and expose your bones and nerves. Doing so may lead to excruciating pain in your socket. Like your other teeth removal in the past, it’s best to go for colder foods, like ice cream and smoothies, so your mouth can feel cool and refreshed.  

  1. Ask Advice From Your Dentist About Foods You Can Eat  

If you’re given anesthesia, you must avoid consuming anything hot for the first three hours after the surgery. There’ll be a period of healing required for the tooth sockets. Your stitches in the gums also need enough time to stabilize and close. Hence, following a diet routine in the next few weeks after wisdom teeth removal is essential.  

You may ask advice from your dentist about the foods and beverages you can eat or avoid. When you have stitches in your mouth, it’s best to avoid chewing food there. Whenever possible, avoid interfering with the blood clot at the extraction site. Do note that every person has their own unique recovery period, so you may have a different duration than anyone else. A normal diet may not be possible for up to a few months after surgery, so take care of the foods you can’t eat as they may trigger infection or pain.   

  1. Sleep With Your Head Elevated  

Sleep with your head elevated for several days after the procedure. You can use pillows if you’re having trouble elevating your upper body. You should find a comfortable position while elevating your head and shoulders above your heart. It’d also be best to sleep alone or away from your kids during that time, so you won’t have to keep moving your head.  

  1. Follow Your Dentist’s Medication And Prescriptions  

In some cases, your dentist will provide some medications, mostly for pain relief, depending on your pain tolerance. If you easily feel pain, you can seek a more potent pain killer. Usually, they’ll prescribe antibiotics to thwart the possibility of infection in the affected area. However, ensure to finish the entire antibiotic prescription as stopping it midway will only make the bacteria in the mouth resistant to the antibiotic. Follow your doctor’s advice as they usually develop a plan to ensure a successful recovery.

  1. Try To Exercise Your Jaw  

In order to maintain proper jaw movement, it’s crucial to slowly open and close your mouth during the recovery period. It helps to keep your jaw moving after surgery since stiffness is bound to occur in your mouth. This is the best exercise that you need to perform patiently as you recover from your surgery. If it’s difficult to do in the beginning, it’s okay. Try to increase the frequency little by little.  


With the tips above, you can ensure to speed up your recovery and be back on track in no time. It’s essential to follow your dentist’s advice so you won’t develop any oral complications and infections. Even though severe complications are infrequent, it’s still vital for you to heal as soon as possible. Follow these do’s and don’ts following a wisdom tooth extraction to ensure your recovery is smooth. Finally, apply simple practices to keep your teeth healthy at all times.

By Caitlyn

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