Cosmetic Dental Procedures

A great smile can be a huge boost for confidence and self-esteem. Moreover, recent studies suggest many consider it vital to career success. To cater for this, the field of cosmetic dentistry has seen a massive expansion in recent years. The increasing popularity of cosmetic procedures has also meant that many insurance providers will now cover some treatments. Here are 5 of the most effective and popular procedures offered by cosmetic dentists.  

Dental Implants

When replacing missing teeth or bridges, dental implants are widely agreed to be the most realistic looking option to restore your smile to its original, pristine condition. Dental Implants are small, titanium posts that graft onto your jaw. This is then used as a base for a custom-built crown. In many instances, they are so effective that they are not even visible after the procedure. Moreover, well-made implants are durable enough to last permanently, providing they are cared for properly. Missing teeth can also make your surrounding teeth more vulnerable as well, so getting implants can also prevent further potential tooth loss in the future, too. 

When considering implants, your first question is likely “are dental implants covered by dental insurance?” Surprisingly, most providers will have an allowance for at least one implant procedure. This is largely dependent on the insurance carrier however, so always check first. 

Teeth Whitening

If you are looking for a less invasive procedure to quickly improve your teeth, teeth whitening treatments are generally one of the most popular and straightforward cosmetical dental procedures. This treatment uses a range of compounds to remove any stains or discolouring from your tooth enamel. Dental offices also often have at-home kits on sale, so this procedure is available even if you are not keen on getting into that dentist’s chair. These kits can turn most teeth pearly white in as little as 10 days. Alternatively, if you require results quicker, the in-office procedure only lasts around 2 hours. 

You should be aware, however, that this treatment is not a substitute to the traditional ways of cleaning your teeth. This is because the procedure is designed only for cosmetic purposes. These treatments also often vary in the specific chemicals used, so be sure to check with your dentist if you have any potential allergies. 


If you are finding that whitening is not having the desired effect on some of your teeth, or you are starting to see noticeable gaps in your teeth, you may consider getting veneers. These are thin layers of ceramics that are grafted to the top of teeth. Veneers tend to be one of the best procedures for improving the aesthetic of your smile, and as such are highly popular with celebrities. They are also generally considered a very low-risk treatment option. 

The process of adding veneers does involve some of the tops of your actual teeth being removed, though. This means that if you choose to get veneers, you will have to retain them permanently. Therefore, you may want to consult with a dentist prior to opting for this procedure.  


For minor chips and damages to teeth, you may not want to invest in the time and money associated with either veneers or implants. In these situations, direct tooth bonding is probably the way to go. This is another very common treatment, and essentially refers to any procedure involving the grafting of dental material to your teeth, such as crowns or fillings. Bonding is a simple way of fixing any aesthetic problems with specific teeth, whether they be cracked, chipped, or stained. What’s more, even without insurance cover, they are fairly affordable. Bonding procedures generally start at around $300. In addition, a bonding only takes around 30-60 minutes to complete. For the most realistic-looking results, make sure your fillings or crowns are made from ceramic porcelain. 

The major drawback with this approach is their durability. In comparison with implants and veneers, which can potentially last a lifetime, the rough lifespan for a bonded tooth is between 3-10 years. For more permanent results, you may then consider other procedures. 

Gingival Contouring 

As you age, you may notice that your gums are becoming more prominent as you smile. This is known as excessive gum display, and is most commonly caused by gingivitis. Fortunately, innovations in cosmetic dentistry mean that this can also be treated. There are a number of different procedures available for this, although they are generally all given the umbrella term of gingival contouring. These can range from minimally invasive treatments, such as orthodontics or gingival sculpting, to more involved treatments, such as surgical lip repositioning. You can therefore choose the ideal procedure for you, based on your specific needs and preferences

By Caitlyn

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