Improving Your Smile

Your smile is typically the first thing people notice about you, but a healthy smile isn’t achieved overnight and takes a variety of methods to maintain. Good oral hygiene and an oral surgeon that you can speak to if you have problems or need advice are essential to creating the perfect smile. In our guide, we’ve compiled some top tips for how to improve your smile. 

Routine Cleanings

Having a regular cleaning twice a year from a hygienist helps to promote good oral health, which leads to a beautiful smile. If you have periodic cleanings, this could lead to developing periodontal disease, which will cause unsightly receding, swollen, and bleeding gums. As well as cleaning your teeth to remove tartar and stains, your hygienist will also screen you for health conditions such as high blood pressure and oral cancer. Many conditions can first manifest symptoms in the mouth, and your hygienist can spot these early signs so that you can follow up with a doctor before the condition progresses. 

Get Treatment Quickly

Dental conditions don’t correct themselves. If you are suffering from tooth decay or gum disease, it could develop into something more severe if left untreated, such as abscesses or tooth loss. Getting treatment early will lead to less invasive restorations in the future, which will maintain the structure and stability of your teeth, gums, and jawbone. Dr. Trevisani is an oral surgeon in Orlando that can offer a range of treatments for a number of issues you may be having. 

Brush Twice A Day

You may be surprised to know that many people need to be reminded to brush their teeth twice a day. It can be challenging to remember the little things we need to do to care for ourselves as we grab a slice of toast and rush out the door in today’s hectic world. Plaque build-up on your teeth can harden into tartar if you don’t brush regularly. Keeping a schedule where you brush at least twice a day will help your teeth remain whiter and healthier for longer.

How you brush your teeth is also important to maintaining a healthy smile. The bristles of the toothbrush should be angled towards the gum line at a 45-degree angle, with a light pressure to alter the color of the gum slightly until you move the brush. Gentle and small strokes are crucial as you should be focusing on no more than two teeth at a time. 

Floss Daily
Flossing should be a part of your daily oral hygiene routine as it’s essential for removing plaque between the teeth and from under the gums where your toothbrush can’t reach. If you don’t floss, plaque and tartar can build up under the surface of the gum line, which can lead to periodontal disease; this, in turn, can lead to bone degradation and tooth loss. If you hate flossing, there are alternatives such as an oral irrigator which sprays water or mouthwash between the teeth and under the gum line to remove food and plaque build-up.

By Caitlyn

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