Exercise Guidelines for Diabetic People

Exercise is believed to be a remedy for almost all kinds of diseases and problems. It could release stress, depression, brain issues, diabetes, heart diseases and many more. The intensity of the workout differs concerning the medical condition of the patient. It helps in keeping the muscles and body moving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

Whenever you exercise, your body would need some excess energy which comes from the blood sugar known as glucose. 

The body releases glucose as fuel when you rush your movements. Exercise tends to lower your blood sugar levels which means that with the increase in a workout, you will have to adjust your medicine and snacks as per the doctor’s recommendation. 

The best plan of action for diabetes patients would be to opt for moderate exercise. Moderate exercise such as hiking is very beneficial as they take more glucose from the blood and lowers your sugar levels in the blood. If you perform high-intensity exercises, there could be an increase in the levels of blood sugar which makes it hard for the muscles to use insulin. 

Leaving high-intensity workouts in the middle would cause you more damage than any benefits. Be it of any form, exercise should always be on your list if you have diabetes.

Let’s have a look at the 10 healthy exercise guidelines for diabetic people and figure what could be done or not.

  1. Choose the right exercise

Cycling is an excellent exercise for people of all ages. It’s low impact and genuinely enjoyable to do. It’s an outdoor activity, so you get the benefit of a workout and being outside in the sun (preferably when it’s not too hot out), breathing in the fresh air. For people with medical conditions that prevent them from doing strenuous activities, power-assisted electric bikes are available to keep the impact minimal. They can ride the bike normally and turn on the power-assist feature when they feel the strain. Riders can easily switch back and forth whenever they want or need to. 

By exercising, it does not necessarily mean that you have to go to the gym. Exercise could be anything that increases your heart rate. It could be anything that makes you happy and keeps you moving. You can try yoga, swimming, dancing, sports, walking or cycling. Anything that fits you, your schedule and your medical condition the best. You can also try scuba-diving or rock-climbing if that suits you and you are in good health. Make sure you have someone around just in case, your blood sugar levels go down fast.

  1. Ask your Doctor

Before you begin any kind of exercise, you must make sure to consult your doctor first. As they are well aware of your medical condition, they will advise you properly about the kind and time of exercise. They will provide you with a complete diet plan, alter your meals or insulin to meet your new schedule.

  1. Go on Easy

Since you will be new to it, you must go easy on yourself. Start with a 10 min workout at a time and then increase it up to 30 minutes a day. You must immediately stop if you feel weak, more sweating, palpitations, headache or anything unusual. 

  1. Blood Sugar Levels

You should always remember to check your blood sugar before, after or in between the exercise. The workout might increase or decrease your sugar levels depending on your condition. Hence, you must purchase the glucose level monitoring devices from any of the renowned sellers such as Contour Next One. They aim to provide solutions and products which assist in making a positive change and provide you with specialist expertise in your diabetes journey. Therefore, you should monitor your blood sugar regularly and inform your doctor. They will guide you about whether you should eat something in between the workout or not. If you work out for an hour then you must make sure to have something.  

  1. Focus on Strength Training

Strength training improves the levels of blood sugar that is why they must be considered doing at least twice a week. You can begin with lifting weights or performing moves such as squats, plunges or lunges. You can make a schedule, one type of exercise a day with a certified instructor. The instructor will guide you about the right posture otherwise you will end up causing more damage to your body than any benefit.

  1. Add Carbs

Workouts tend to lower blood sugar levels which might result in fainting spells therefore, you should always carry carbohydrate snacks such as juice or fruit. This will give a boost to your sugar levels and keep you in good form.

  1. Find a Buddy

Exercise is much more fun if you do it with a group or a friend. It becomes more like a fun activity than a gruesome task. If you know someone else with diabetes, you should connect with them and begin your workout sessions.

  1. Hydrate

You must keep yourself hydrated at all times. No matter if you do not feel thirsty, you must have water in between or after the exercise.

  1. Daily Habit

You should incorporate it into your daily routine to exercise, eat healthy food and take your medicines on time. To avoid hypoglycemia, a low blood sugar, you must make it your routine.

  1. Good shoes

When you consider exercise, you must think of your feet first. Choose the right kind and right size of shoes for yourself which support the kind of exercise you plan to do.

By Caitlyn

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