Happy Brains

“Happy brain is the key to a successful life”

Your brain is a treasure and to keep it happy you have to steer your brain to the path of happiness. Happy brain is the key to a tremendous and content life! Why? Because, if you keep your brain healthy by staying happy, then apart from witnessing practical examples, scientific studies are an added proof that you become more creative, mentally alert and show efficiency and effectiveness in your work.

Happy Brains

    • Increase mental productivity by increasing your attentiveness.


    • Improves analyzing abilities.


    • Attracts happy thoughts.


    • Solve problems better.


    • Boosts your health.


    • Changes our perception.


    • Widens our attention span.


    • Leads to overall development.


  • Helps brain perform at its peak capacity.

The magical powers of a positive brain

It is all in your brain. The entire process is of your thoughts. Depending on how positive or negative they are, leads to the production of chemicals inside your brain which further affects your entire days work.

And, on the contrary thinking negative sucks the strength out of you to perform any basic task with your full potential. Forget putting in full strength but you also become incapable of putting in even half of your energy. This further leads to poor results as a result of which you become demoralized, de-motivated.

The worst part is that people become delusional and consider themselves unfit to carry on any task and many because of this fall into the trap of depression. And, we are very well aware that how depression in particular has lead to the rise in suicide cases over the years. You wouldn’t want to fall in its trap.

On the contrary when you think positive it decreases the level of cortisol in your body and produces serotonin. These chemicals affect your body as these create a sense of well being and in case when the right amount of the right chemicals aren’t produced there is a sense of uneasiness and discomfort that you start feeling.

Welcome and embrace positive emotions to be a winner in the long run

A person who stays positive does not ever get to possess bad feelings or fear of failures. Half of the time even when you are not good at doing things, your positive attitude prompts you a winner already and in real life you do successfully achieve it, obviously backed up with hard work.

Feed your brain with positive thoughts and create a sparkling positive reality for yourself Not everyone at every situation can do so but at least you can try!


Being around people who motivate you

You must have heard them saying you absorb the energy of the people around you. And, if you be around certain people you are bound to possess the same energy. Negative energy bothers more and affects a person’s positive aura so now you know what to do next. Choose the company of people wisely and create a healthy circle for yourself, people who motivate, encourage you always to do better and better.

Right down all the good things about yourself

Take a notepad, a pen and just scribble down a few things about yourself which you think are the best about you. And, remember these points must be exclusively and only according to what you think about yourself, your achievements, and positive points. See some of you might come up with endless points and some with only a few, well actually that doesn’t even matter. This weekly activity will push you over and above what you think about yourself. Whenever you feel negative about yourself just give yourself you a reminder that how well you have been doing till now and work on adding more good things about yourself.

Indulge yourself in sports or physical activities

It is you and only you who can choose what to become and how to feel about yourself so start by keeping yourself fit, healthy and happy. Indulge in daily light activities, go out for a brisk walk, join aerobics, do yoga or anything which makes you feel fit. Your health and mental fitness is interrelated, working on one aspect helps improvising the other. To achieve equilibrium in your life first learn how to balance things. Start be balancing mental, physical, emotional health.

Treat yourself with trips

Positivity just doesn’t come from saying so. There are times in life when nothing favors you and at that time you need to shut yourself from everything and everything and treat yourself with short trips. An escapade works at times. Change your surroundings, a little shift from a place can lead to shift in your mood.

“ME” time is a necessity

Say this to yourself everyday that nobody is more important to you then you yourself. Be available to yourself for your mental health at all times. Whenever stress in life grips you real tight, draining out the life out of you at that time take out the “ME” time and weigh the priorities, what matters the most to you at the moment? Your mental peace or money! Obviously, only a balance could keep you going throughout.

Stop grieving over your shortcomings

Everyone has a few, so you are no different!


Train and teach your mind to stay calm at all times in life. Practice meditation and take control over what you feel, how you think, what you allow to bother you and what you don’t. Be the master of your thoughts, energy and not a slave.

Hold a firm grip on the great moments, memories

Sometimes great memories give us the strength to continue with our lives happily during those hard times. If times are not going good and negativity takes down your life then at that times the hold a firm grip on the great moments. Take yourself down the memory lane of those beautiful memories you once lived. The good times help give you the strength and boost your confidence.

Work on yourself every day, every aspect of your personality. Don’t let any of your phase take a toll on you, your energy, and your vibes

Technology these days offers us so much to balance out the things for us. Online mental health programs are available, if anybody wishes to take counseling sessions.

Not just online mental health programs but also products for home health care are also online so that nothing stops you from feeling at your best even at your home. People who are physically unfit and have to sit back at home for a longer period of time due to some physical injury, inability can stop themselves from facing this by availing good health care services at home. You can simply purchase products that will help you do so. No more dependency on anybody.  Take a charge of your life and live it king size, just like you have always wanted. Look for various self health programs online and choose that suits your situation and pocket.

Other than that physical self help products are available too. Home health care products available online are medical scooters, mobility scooters, sports ankle brace, strassburg sock, knee support, air cast boot, bunion corrector. So, even if you are unhealthy, unhappy, unfit and unsure if your health is bothering your vibes then only you can make a change in this work on it and evolve your energies by taking good care of yourself!

Always remember nobody can change your energy then you yourself.

“Come on get up, get over it all and get going… Happier and better than before”

Author Bio

Nikita Thakur: Life never turns out to be as expected or dreamt. Accustomed, prepared and immune to all the challenges life might throw at me I wish to educate, inform other people not to turn a blind eye towards what might have started affecting them slowly. Our mental Health is what we ignore the most as it doesn’t bother us immediately but when the signs start to pop out nothing takes the life out of us like bad mental state does. With the power of words and love for motivational speaking I try to take up the responsibility to help people.

By Caitlyn

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