Infrared Tanning Beds

Reading “tanning” and “good for your skin” in the same sentence might come as a surprise for you. After all, the world has finally come to realize the harmful effects of UVA/UVB rays that are generously included in tanning beds. We know that too and we didn’t bring you here to tell you otherwise. 

But did you know that not all tanning beds are made equal? Infrared tanning beds serve a completely different purpose. Instead of darkening your skin, infrared rays have rejuvenating properties that help speed up the skin healing process and improve the texture. 

How is that possible? Buckle up because we’re about to spill the tea about infrared tanning bed benefits. 

Where Do Infrared Tanning Beds Come From? 

The story of infrared tanning beds traces back to the early 90s when NASA scientists started testing red light therapy’s effects on plant growth. They aimed to find ways that would help accelerate the plant growing process in space and make it possible to create nutritious food sources in such unnatural habitat. 

Research had successful results with one surprising outcome. Scientists who were involved in exposing plants to red and infrared light wavelengths noticed that skin on their hands was positively affected. This inspired them to continue the research further to determine whether red light therapy could be beneficial for treating skin issues. 

The first red light therapy device has been approved by FDA in 2002 and since then, it’s been implemented as an effective method for tackling various skin concerns. 

How Do Red Light Therapy Beds Work?

Red light therapy beds, also known as infrared tanning beds, use low-level light wavelengths that can target deep tissue layers beneath the epidermis. These light waves have a boosting effect on our cellular processes. When red light particles enter the body they optimize mitochondria to produce more ATP – an energy-carrying molecule that supplies our cells with energy that’s essential for carrying out every single process that takes place in there. 

As a result, we get multiple benefits for light exposure. For instance, nitric oxide levels raise improving blood circulation that helps deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout the body more effectively. 

Infrared Tanning Bed Benefits For Skin 

Acne Treatment

Being exposed to red and infrared light spectrum helps us deal with stubborn acne. These light waves have anti-inflammatory properties. This eases inflammation of breakouts and prevents the spread of the acne bacteria. 

Research indicates that red light therapy can be a great method for fighting acne scars as well. Increased blood circulation and collagen levels are the main actors in the process. RLT causes new blood vessels to emerge near the skin surface, supplying all the necessary resources to promote quick and scar-free healing. As for boosted collagen production, it is essential for building healthy skin and improving the texture. 

Psoriasis Treatment 

An infrared tanning bed can also be a great use for psoriasis patients. It is an autoimmune condition during which, our immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, causing the cell production to go overdrive. As a result, red itchy patches appear on the skin that in some cases may bleed as well. The bad thing about psoriasis is that as of now we don’t have a permanent cure. Therefore it requires constant treatment and monitoring. 

Studies have shown that red light therapy is effective for treating psoriasis flare-ups. It minimizes the chances of infection and speeds up the healing process. What’s more, getting continuous red light treatments have been proven to avert complications and make the condition more manageable. 

Anti-aging Treatment 

If you’re concerned about wrinkles and fine lines, an infrared tanning bed can be the solution. Most importantly, the treatment can fight aging signs from multiple angles. 

As we mentioned above, red light exposure promotes collagen production. Considering that age-related skin-dullness and wrinkling begin when collagen levels drop, RLT helps revive the skin. 

As we grow old, our body produces fewer new cells. For instance, the average skin cell turnover for someone in their 20s is 14 days. When we reach our 40s this rate drops drastically and new skin cells emerge every 60 days or so. Red light therapy has been proven to accelerate skin cell turnover rate, resulting in a healthier more youthful complexion. 

Where To Get Red Light Therapy 

One way to get red light therapy is to schedule an appointment in your nearest salon or a dermatologist’s office. Infrared tanning beds are widely available so you’ll likely be able to find the one closest to your location. 

However, if due to lack of time or energy you’re unable to make regular visits, you can consider getting your own red light therapy device and create the same experience in the comfort of your home.  

By Caitlyn

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