Organic Oils

What does the term ‘Organic’ signify?

In respect to fruits, vegetables, meat or other animal products, beauty goods, cosmetic raw materials, and other items, the phrase “organic” designates a formal and comprehensive level of quality. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that “certified organic” products keep up to a number of standards during the production, sourcing, and processing stages.

What makes an essential oil organic?

True “organic” essential oils are those that have not only been produced using natural methods to the greatest extent possible, but also through farming practices that have taken into account the introduction of potentially harmful agents, the soil quality, and the full manufacturing and production process of the oil in terms of chemical contaminants. In other words, using organic essential oils is an approach and attitude that is intended to be sustainable, healthful, and more considerate of the agriculture sector as a whole.

How does organic essential oils differ from other essential oils?

There are certain distinctions between organic and non-organic essential oils, that includes the oils’ cost, appeal, medicinal value, and safety.


Organic oils come from herbs and plants that have adhered to strict standards regarding the use of specific synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and GMOs. As a result, they may be healthier and less toxic. However, some contend that the likelihood of pesticides contaminating the finished product is still reduced because of the circumstances of steam distillation, which is normally how essential oils are made (the notable exception being cold-pressed oils). For greater peace of mind, people might buy organic essential oils if they are worried about the possible impacts of chemical or pesticide residues resulting from cultivation or manufacturing.


Many people think that the feel or aroma of essential oils can be used to tell them apart from conventional and organic versions. Due to changes in their primary ingredients, organic essential oils may smell nicer than conventional kinds. Furthermore, organic goods generally have greater consumer appeal and might boost a brand or cosmetics line.


An essential oil’s characteristics and therapeutic value are derived from its chemical composition; since the proportions of the primary ingredients can vary between organic and non-organic essential oils (as well as from yield to yield), so can the resulting therapeutic effects. It is believed that organic essential oils have a higher concentration of desirable active ingredients and can therefore contribute more effectively to aromatherapeutic applications.

  • COST

The cost of producing organic essential oils makes them more expensive overall. In general, organic oils might cost anywhere between 20 and 70 percent more than their conventional counterparts.

Are organic oils better?

One common myth is that an “organic” seal guarantees that the essential oil product is entirely free of pesticides. That’s not totally accurate. According to the PAMS pest control strategy, organic farmers are allowed to use both organic and synthetic pesticides if they are on the approved list of substances. Organic pesticides include microorganisms and others derived from botanical sources. Second, residual pesticide chemicals, which can still remain and cause significant environmental pollution, are difficult to get rid of. Therefore, although using harmful pesticides sparingly during the manufacture of essential oils and reducing the possibility of coming into contact with residue, it is not possible to completely eradicate their use.

The idea that organic oils are always of higher quality than regular oils is another common misunderstanding. Many essential oils that aren’t organic but come from reliable companies like Soapery are nonetheless of very good quality. In fact, experts in New Jersey, US, have told people that organic farming in and of itself reflects a system of agricultural production, and that producers are not always focusing on the quality of the essential oil. This means that any essential oil, organic or not, should still have its integrity and purity properly assessed.

Few people will deny, however, that the principles and methods of organic farming do not help to protect the environment and our natural resources.

But it’s also crucial to keep in mind that high-quality oils and synthetic essential oils aren’t always incompatible. If quality is important to you, it’s crucial to buy oils—organic or not—from a reputable company or supplier that shares your commitment to quality and customer transparency, for instance by going through rigorous certification procedures for organic products and carrying out in-depth internal testing.

By Caitlyn

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