can you freeze almond milk

Almond milk is a boon for lactose intolerant and vegan communities as it is a natural rich resource of calcium like other dairy products. So, you would like to have it to be strong and muscular. But storing it for a longer time is questionable as there are labels on the containers mentioning to not use the almond milk, once the almond milk expiration is crossed. Here the question arises; can you freeze the almond milk? 

Most of us buy groceries in bulk when we come across a good deal for it. So, we have also bought a lot of almond milk containers. But what now? Is there any method to store it? Can I freeze almond milk? Don’t worry pals, I am here to clear all your doubts on freezing and thawing of almond milk. 

Sit relax and read my article. You have landed on the right platform to clear queries rushing in your mind that can almond milk be frozen? Where can I use freeze almond milk? So, without wasting much time, let’s start with the very first thing that comes in mind that can I freeze the almond milk?

Can You freeze almond milk? 

The answer to the question is of course “Yes”. You can go with it. But there are few limitations with it as freezing changes the consistency of the milk. Along with that color and texture of the milk is also affected making it unsuitable for drinking, however, it can be used for baking or preparing smoothies with fruits. 

Also, if you are not so choosy with eatables, you may drink it.

Now you know that you can freeze almond milk, but how to do it?  Scroll down your computer screen to know; how to freeze almond milk. Also, there are a few precautions required while freezing. So, I will also make you aware of them.

How to Freeze Almond Milk?

You can freeze almond milk in its original container or by keeping it in plastic containers, just keep assure about its consumption. Almond milk frozen in an original container should be consumed within three days of freezing. This is because almond milk expands on freezing, thus the container may burst so better to consume it.

But it is tedious to freeze the milk in its original container as the almond milk expands with freezing, so it requires extra space for expansion. So, it will be better to go with an airtight plastic container. 

Use of airtight containers is advised to avoid the smells and odors of other vegetables and fruits placed inside the freezer as this may harm the almond milk.

If you have a lesser quantity of milk, you can also go with an ice cube tray. It is very simple. You just put the ice cube trays containing almond milk in the freezer directly. Once the milk is frozen, get the cubes and use an airtight container to store them in the freezer again. 

It is suggested to shake the almond milk properly before freezing as it will help you while thawing.

Now, you have learned about the procedure of freezing almond milk but, now the question arises when should you freeze almond milk. Let’s get an answer to it.

When should you freeze?

As I already mentioned above that freeze almond milk is not suitable for drinking for the people who are a bit choosy with food items, however, if you are thinking to use the almond milk somewhere else like in cooking, baking or smoothies, you can go with it.

I am saying this because freezing changes the consistency of the milk as sedimentation and lump formation occur on freezing. Solid and liquid mass gets separated. Along with that, the color and texture of the milk also get varied making it unsuitable for drinking purposes. But during cooking, it can be used as the color of the milk cannot be seen with naked eyes when it gets mixed with other food ingredients.

You have got the answer to the question; Can almond milk be frozen? Now, what if you need to thaw the almond milk. Let’s discuss it.

How to thaw almond milk?

Thawing of almond milk is a long process and may take a few days. So be relaxed and follow the thawing steps carefully and don’t do any hurry as it can harm the quality of the milk. So, it is always instructed to not ever thaw the almond milk by keeping it at room temperature or by keeping a milk bowl in warm water.

So, to thaw the freeze almond milk, you just need to keep it in your refrigerator and wait for a few hours. The gradual melting of frozen almond milk will separate the solid and liquid contents without changing the consistency, color, and odor of the almond milk. 

Another method you can opt for thawing is to keep the freeze almond milk in cold water.

In both of these methods, the temperature of the milk changes gradually, so the state of the milk changes from solid to liquid without much effect on the consistency and color of the milk.

To add on more benefits to it, shake the milk or blend it and you will find the real state of the milk, however, there might be some foam on the surface as blending may produce foam, but milk is appealing in look and you can engulf it in any form.

But it is always instructed to not keep the thawed milk again in the freezer as doing this can ruin the milk.


These are some methods of freezing and thawing almond milk. I think all your doubts have been cleared. Now it is your turn to experiment at home. Just buy the almond milk and try to freeze it. But always remember to follow the precautions mentioned above to get the best results

One more thing is that freezing almond milk of different brands is important and only then you will come to the conclusion that which brand runs for a longer time after freezing giving you better results.

By Caitlyn

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