Difficulties of Being A Teen

The teenage years are burdened with all types of issues. A parent requires knowing the diverse pressures teen encounters in order to assist the teenager in all of them. Here are some of the common issues and problems we are facing and what parents need to do to overcome these issues.

Physical Features

One of the biggest issues for teens is their physical appearance. The change in body shape, hair in unlikely places, sports breaking out, no wonder teens spend a lot of time looking in the mirror. If you are a teen and are not happy with what he or she sees, fully clothed or in the bedroom, and few are, it can dent her or his self-esteem. 

Try to keep away from making jokes about your teen’s look and appearance, even when it is meant in a light-hearted way. Some worries might seem silly to you. It will be a mistake to make light of something, which worries a teen. 

Always pay close attention and deal with even trivialities. Try to explain that other people seldom notice the type of detail they seem to worry about. Encouraging a teen to feel good about them solves a great deal of the issues. 


Some teens take failure, in relationships or exams- in their stride and get over it fast, but it can look like a main crisis for others. Even if you know, the failure came as an outcome of carelessness on the teen’s part. It is more efficient when you help deal with their feelings first. 

Rebellion against even you, the parent, is a common reaction. Reassure your teen, which you love, and support isn’t contingent on test grades. If your teenager does not get the grades anticipated, it assists him or her in keeping in perspective- everyone has setbacks in life. She or he can do resists always. Reassure him or her that you are solidly behind him or her to assess all the choices. 

Dealing with Emotions 

Teenage boys have a less developed array of emotional expressions to call on. Embarrassment, irritation, and disappointment are hard feelings to react to, and anger is how some teens express themselves. 

If your teen is having difficulty identifying and articulating what he or she is feeling, making inquiries while providing liberty to disclose or not might assist you both to know the kind and extent of his feelings and know the right responses. 

Some people find a vigorous activity, like sport, assists them to deal with their feelings and emotions. Others might just like space to chew over situations, events, and disappointments. Some just express their issues with aggressiveness to their peers, who appear to be handling the case better than them. 


Untidiness is one most common battlegrounds between teens and parents. If you are driven mad by the clothes littered all over his room, coat on the hall floor, and the wet towels dumped in the bath, you are not alone. You have to keep this thing in mind, he has many things on his mind, and this reflects in his inability to coordinate his activities most of the time. 

A teenager bedroom in his own space, and you must respect that- develop the capability to look the other way and provide him time to get his act together. Enabling him to invite friends over can also assist in this factor.

Parental and Social Pressure

Most of the time, parents live with their kids and look forward to them obtaining the whole thing they liked but didn’t have. Anticipating the teen to get a high grade, have amazing friends, do extremely well in extracurricular activities, be well-behaved, accountable for themselves, and sometimes for their siblings is more pressure. Peer pressure is another factor. To be accepted amongst peers to become popular, teenagers feel pressured to match their tastes, appearance, and behaviors.

When all those surrounding the teen are trying to mold her or him into a different shape, pressure starts to build. Teachers, parents, family elders, friends, siblings, social groups, and schoolmates play a vital part and pull the teen in diverse directions.

Physical and Mental Problems

Some of the things which affect the wellbeing of the teen include:

Poor Nutrition: The eating routines of a teen are poor and unchecked. He or she is urged towards eating disorders, either starving or binging on fatty, unhealthy as well as high-calorie junk food.

Lack of Sleep: In an attempt to carry out and be it all, teens sacrifice sleep. They need about eight hours of sleep but roughly get six to seven hours.

Anxiety and Depression: Hormonal changes add to the problem and strain of prioritizing, scheduling, achieving as well as fulfilling expectations, put teens under emotional pressure. This is mirrored in mood swings, depression, aggression, anxiety, and sometimes a full breakdown. Physical and mental health is covered. If your teenager is not healthy physically, it will have an impact on his or her psychology and vice versa.

Alcohol and Drugs

According to the research, 33.2 percent of senior high school students in America reported drinking alcohol in the past month. In the year 2017, by their last year in secondary education, 5.9 percent of teens in the US have a regular habit of using cannabis. A yearly survey of alcohol and drug use amongst teens in the US discovered that almost 40 percent of the senior high school surveyed had utilized some form of illicit drugs in the previous year, and 55.7 percent had drunk alcohol.

Both marijuana and alcohol can damage the developing brain of the teen. So, it is vital to talk to them to know what is happening in their peer group and school alike, figure out what they are exposed to, as well as educate them of some possible risks and dangers. 


If your teens are experiencing any issues mentioned above, you need to act immediately as a parent. You can ask for assistance from experts who provide services like online therapy for teens. This can help them back on their track and live a healthy and happy life.

By Caitlyn

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