IV Drip Therapy

Imagine being able to receive a customized medical treatment or therapy for almost anything that ails you. With iv drip therapy, you can avoid the hassle of hospitals and waiting weeks for an appointment. 

The process of delivering medicine and necessary fluids via intravenously (in your vein), has been around since 1883, and is still one of the most important medical therapies to help you get well. Here are five other facts about IV drip therapy that you really should know about.

  1. Wellness Shouldn’t Wait

Did you know, now you can request an appointment online, consult with a medical professional for a customized plan, and have it available to you for therapy within 2 hours? Gone are the days of waiting months for non-emergency treatments that bring such a huge benefit. You shouldn’t have to wait to start to feel better. 

Although this type of delivered IV drip therapy isn’t covered by private or government insurance, it is still an affordable option with most treatments ranging in the $150-300 range. The most common services are acute care treatments, wellness, and hangover treatments. 

Currently, if you live near a major metropolitan area the chances of IV drip therapy being available for delivery are very good. The services are also available in select cities in Europe, and constantly growing. Soon you will be able to get a customized IV drip therapy for anything you need at any time. 

  1. Customizable Treatment 

We all know by now that not all medication or therapies hit us all quite the same way. Our bodies are all different and require specific attention to certain things rather than others. The most effective way to treat and prevent illness is to find a combination of things that work best for you.

An IV drip therapy session can not only provide treatment for things like immunity boost and hangovers, but is the perfect treatment to customize with other add-ins. Just as you would add supplements or vitamins to your diet, IV drip therapy allows you to add exactly what your body needs, and nothing it doesn’t.

Some of the most popular additions are vitamins and preventatives. Include some Vitamin C in your hangover mix and stop the inevitable cold that comes after a weekend of too much drinking. Are you a traveler? There is even a customized treatment for jet lag that consists of an anti-inflammatory and Vitamin B12. 

No matter what your needs, an IV drip therapy session doesn’t have to just be curative, it can also be a great step in preventing unwanted illnesses and health issues down the road.

  1. Prevention

While diet and exercise will always remain front runners in the race to better health, preventing illness and sickness with IV drip therapy treatments may take over the lead.

Most of the therapies address health and wellness, but there are also cosmetic and beautifying options that could potentially assist with improving one’s appearance. For a special occasion, such as a wedding, a beautifying IV drip therapy would consist of various vitamins, anti-inflammatory properties, and energy boosts! 

Knowing when an event will be physically or even mentally taxing, an early IV drip therapy could be a great way to hold off any potential health risks. 

  1. Common Cures

The customizable ability and effective preventative perks of IV drip therapy are only the beginning. These treatments can go a long way to helping with common and debilitating conditions such as migraines. 

Most migraine sufferers cannot even physically get out of bed to take an aspirin, let alone deal with the torturous logistics of driving themselves to the hospital. Even a phone call to the doctor is difficult. 

With the ability to order and customize your treatment online, you can easily request treatment in the comfort of your own home. You won’t have to step outside your door. This is also a great convenience for those suffering at home from the flu or non-threatening COVID-19 symptoms. 

For the common things that happen almost every day, IV drip therapy is a great solution.

  1. Credibility

Unlike a blood mobile, customized IV drip therapy is delivered in the privacy of your home or hotel room (when traveling). Your confidentiality is taken seriously, and you are receiving quality medicine from qualified physicians. Be sure to go with a reputable company, such as The I.V. Doc, that can provide its qualifications on the spot and have them readily available for reference on their website. 

By using licensed physicians for consultation, your customized IV drip therapy is the fastest, and most reliable treatment and prevention for most common illnesses and occurrences. It is safe, effective, and gets you back in the game without ever going to a hospital. 

Most of us heal faster in the privacy of our own homes and at our own pace. Now with IV drip therapy delivered to your door that is more possible than ever before.

By Caitlyn