Gaming and Mental Health

You may have heard that gaming can be detrimental to mental health, but the reality may actually be far different. While there may be some truth to that rumor in some instances, there are also countless therapeutic benefits found in gaming. Let’s explore a few of them here: 

It can help you make friends

While people believe that gaming makes loners out of people who would otherwise be social, the reality is that it can make people social when they’d otherwise have a difficult time reaching out to make friends. The online community of gamers can be a welcoming one for many, especially if you’re a person who gets easily overwhelmed in in-person social settings. 

With the right gaming headset for PC and a great gaming community, you could end up with lifelong friends from playing your favorite game. 

It can be a stress reliever

If you have a busy career and a lot of stressful things going on, chances are that you need a little downtime. There’s something to be said about getting lost in your game, so to speak. While you’ll want to set time limits, so you’re not forgetting about other important things in life, the truth is that enjoying your favorite games can actually be a great way to release stress. If it helps you get your mind off of things that are feeling a bit overwhelming for you, it can actually be quite beneficial for your mental health.  

It can help you connect with your loved ones

Whether you’re a parent or you live with good friends or a partner, the truth is that video games can actually be a great way to bond with your loved ones. We often think that time spent together has to be something like going out or watching a movie together, but it can actually be a lot of fun to just enjoy a game or two together at the end of a long day. 

Why not make it a special night every once in a while? You’d be surprised at how a little healthy competition can help you and your loved ones feel connected and give everyone something to look forward to. 

It can teach you how to be a team player

Much like sports, gaming with others can help you learn important aspects of becoming a team player that can serve you in the long run. Playing video games with peers can teach teamwork skills and provide you with valuable “training” in skills that could help you on the job as well. As you see how your part in the game helps your team and allows you to win, you can feel a sense of achievement that keeps you motivated to get better—and that’s not a bad thing. 

A good amount of a good thingFree stock photo of appartment, at home, beautiful home Stock Photo

Often, people who end up isolating themselves or becoming addicted to just playing video games haven’t set up boundaries or limits around their hobby. Just as with anything, if you’re doing too much of a good thing to the detriment of everything else in your life, it may not be the healthiest choice for your mental health.

This is where setting limits for yourself can go a long way toward keeping gaming positive for your mental health. Whether this looks like setting restrictions on your computer for how often you can play a video game or like looking for an accountability partner who helps you check in and make sure you’re also keeping up with other activities in your life, make sure you play a good amount of gaming, but not too much. Plus, it’s a lot more fun to look forward to when you’re not spending your waking hour playing. 

In Conclusion 

Gaming may have had a bad reputation for some years because people tend to think of gamers as people who are depressed or don’t have a social life. The reality is that a lot of gamers have thriving social lives, and because of gaming, they’re well-adjusted and balanced in their lives. 

By Caitlyn

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