How to Reduce Body Heat

A rise in body temperature on a scorching hot day or when you’ve engaged yourself in some intense activity is pretty normal. The ideal body temperature of a human body is around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but it is normal for your body to drop or rise one degree in temperature. Some individuals have a little elevated body temperature naturally (can go up to 99.4 degrees Fahrenheit). However, anything recorded more than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit indicates that your body is running a fever and that your immune system is fighting an infection. 

Well! To reduce body heat we must first understand a little about what it is. Since you have clicked on this article, I comprehend that you’re on a hunt to find a solution to reduce body heat. Rest assured you have landed in the right place. This article will enlighten you on all there is to know about body heat, the causative factors of excess body heat, and the ways to reduce it or get rid of it.  

There are two types of temperatures we need to learn about. Internal temperature and external temperature. Internal temperature is of course the temperature that your body is running. The external temperature is considered as the environment around you. A tiny part of your brain called the hypothalamus takes charge of regulating your body temperature. Ever wondered why you sweat when you’re out on a hot day? That’s your body regulating your body temperature by cooling it down. Similarly, it warms up your body by causing shivering when it is cold.

Please see a doctor if your body has been showing a high temperature for a long time, especially if you’re pregnant or nursing or, over the age of 60. Seek immediate medical help if you see this occurring in young babies or small children. It is important to learn about heat emergencies. If not treated efficiently, prolonged heat stress that starts with hot flashes can cause a heat stroke.

So, how does one decrease their body temperature? There can be many causative factors of why your body temperature has risen. Listed below are a few.

  • Hot environment- when your surroundings are hot, it is natural for your body temperature to rise too.
  • Intense physical activity or moving around more than you usually do
  • When you’re overexposed to heat or have spent way too much time in the sun 
  • Menopause
  • Drinking alcohol or drinks with caffeine 
  • Too much spice, or protein rich foods like different types of meat, nuts 
  • Genetic conditions like malignant hyperthermia. It causes your body to have a severe and immediate reaction to a few drugs.
  • Use of certain drugs or medicines like beta-blockers or neuroleptic drugs that stop your body from getting rid of excessive heat by sweating.
  • Dehydration 
  • Some hormones can cause the body to produce excess heat
  • The excess of thyroid hormone in your body 
  • Running a fever or undergoing an inflammatory illness
  • Neurological diseases, arthritis, and leukemia can affect your body temperature majorly

All about reducing your body temperature 

Like I mentioned, the human body is beautifully designed to regulate its temperature automatically. It does so in four big ways. 

  • When cooler air surrounds your body, the body automatically lowers its temperature by a method called a convention. 
  • Your body cools down by sweating. This method is called vaporization. 
  • To release heat into the surrounding air or water. This method is called radiation and conduction. About 2% of body temperature is lost into the air you exist in, by this method. 

How to Reduce Body Heat Immediately?

  • Universal pro tip: have loads of water. Water is more beneficial than one can tell. It gets rid of excess body heat, toxins, and all that unnecessary junk in your system. Staying hydrated is the best tip to beat that heat.
  • Gulp down a glass of cool buttermilk. It’s best to cool your system down. It restores vitamins, minerals, and improves your metabolism. 
  • Drink cooling and soothing liquids or fruit juices during the day.
  • Take a good swim; it’s best to instantly cool you down. Also, what is more refreshing?
  • Don’t exercise too much or overexert yourself with physical activities when you want to reduce body temperature.
  • Aloe Vera is a wonderful home remedy that one can use internally by taking 2 spoons with some water or used externally on the skin.
  • Dipping your feet in ice-cold water for 20-30 minutes works wonders. Pour in all the ice cubes in your fridge.
  • The rehydrating properties of coconut water help to a great extent.
  • Sip on peppermint or fenugreek tea. It has cooling properties.
  • Don’t wear tight clothes. Let that skin breathe. Also, wear a cooling fabric that allows your skin to breathe. Cotton is the best. 
  • Pop a pill- take supplements that help reduce those hot flashes. 
  • Practice yoga: Sitali breathing technique. 
  • Make sure you don’t have thyroid. If you do, talk to your Health expert about it.
  • Consume a lot of Water-based foods like cucumber, watermelon, zucchini, and cauliflower. They give you hydration 
  • Take yogurt with your meal.
  • Applying ice or something cold to points like temples, neck, forehead, and wrist is known to help a lot.
  • Move to a cooler area. Change in the surrounding can instantly help with reducing body temperature.
  • Eating spicy food can cool down your body temperature due to sweating. 

Final Comments

Our human body can fluctuate in body temperature more frequently than ever. Your average temperature must be fairly between 97.5 and 98.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Some bodies tend to have higher temperatures naturally and it is normal for your body to rise to 99.4 degrees. Body temperature also rises and falls when you live in respective environments. One should avoid staying out in the scorching sun, for long hours. If you must, then remember to keep yourself well-hydrated and use sunscreen every few hours. The hypothalamus in our brain automatically regulates body temperature. But you go that further mile and tackle body heat using the above methods too. However, if you record a temperature more than 100.4 degrees, know that your body is running a fever. You could consult a health expert or a doctor if it persists.

By Caitlyn

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