How to Safely Taper off Opioids

Most help practitioners prescribe opioids for pain relief. While they can effectively manage pain, they potentially lead to addiction when consumed for an extended period. You may need to taper off them safely and gradually to avoid severe withdrawal symptoms and other adverse side effects.

Tapering off opioids is not an easy process, and you need the guidance of a medical professional. Here are some tips to help you safely taper off opioids.

Seek Medical Advice and Guidance

The first step in tapering off opioids is to seek the advice of a medical professional. Your doctor can assess your situation and determine the best course of action. They can create and  recommend a specific schedule.

The doctor can suggest alternative pain management options or refer you to a specialist. It will help you cope with your pain once you are off the opioids and your pain persists.

Gradually Reduce Your Dose

Tapering off opioids should be a gradual process to minimize withdrawal symptoms and other adverse side effects. Depending on your situation, the doctor can reduce your dose by 10% to 20% every week or two.

It is essential to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully and not try to speed up the tapering process alone.

Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal of your symptoms and progress can help you and your doctor to track how the tapering process is going. Write down how you feel each day, any symptoms you experience, and any changes in your dose.

The information from your journal will help your doctor adjust your tapering schedule if necessary.

Get Support

Tapering off opioids can be a challenging process, both physically and emotionally. Getting support from friends, family, professionals, or a support group is essential to help you through this process. 

Consider addiction therapy to help you manage the challenges of opioids.

Be Aware of Withdrawal Symptoms

As you taper off opioids, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. These can include changes in your blood pressure, irritability, rapid heart rate, and suicidal thoughts. If you experience these symptoms, talk to your doctor about ways to manage them.

You may also experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, insomnia, and muscle aches. Educating yourself on the possible side effects will help you tame yourself and seek help when necessary. Ensure you drink lots of water to hydrate.

Don’t Go Back to Your Original Dose

It can be tempting to go back to your original dose of opioids if you experience withdrawal symptoms or are struggling with pain. However, doing so can undo all of your progress and make it harder to taper off opioids in the future successfully. Talk to your doctor about other pain management options if you struggle with pain.

Be Patient

Tapering off opioids is not a quick process; it can take time to achieve a successful outcome. You may feel frustrated since the process sometimes feels slow. Remember that the goal is to reduce your dependence on opioids and improve your overall health and well-being.

Can You Safely Taper off Opioids?

Yes. You can safely taper off opioids by working closely with your doctor and other professionals.  Ensure you know the possible withdrawal symptoms and be patient to achieve results; it is a gradual process.

By Caitlyn