Alcohol Rehab

Many people consume alcohol, and plenty don’t have a problem with it. Just about any doctor will agree that having the occasional beer or glass of wine doesn’t constitute problem drinking.

There are other individuals who drink more, though. How many of them have a problem? That’s a question that’s sometimes not so easy to answer.

In this article, we’ll talk about how you can tell if it’s time for you to go to alcohol rehab. Finding a treatment center is the best move if one of the following descriptions sounds like you.

You’re Physically Addicted to Alcohol

Even some doctors have a tough time coming up with a precise clinical definition of alcoholism. If you define it as broadly as possible, though, alcoholism occurs when someone has a physical addiction to alcohol.

In other words, if you’ve arrived at a point where you need a baseline of alcohol in your bloodstream at all times, and without it, you will start to experience withdrawal symptoms, that means you’re an alcoholic. Just about anyone would agree that at this point, you need to go to alcohol rehab. 

Some people continue on with their lives even if they’ve reached the point where they’re physically addicted to alcohol. These are called functional addicts. If you’re at this point, though, you should know that you’re taking significant years off your life the longer you continue on this trajectory.

Alcohol is Actively Harming Your Life

Maybe you don’t consider yourself to be an alcoholic. You’re not physically addicted to alcohol. However, you drink frequently, and when you do, you tend to binge drink. You get blackout drunk and can’t remember things you did and said when you sober up.

This is another instance where you likely need to seek treatment for your alcohol use. Maybe if you’re in this category, you sometimes drive home after you’ve blacked out. You’re still functional in the sense that you can operate a vehicle, but you’re well beyond the legal limit.

You might also reach a point where you’re missing work because of your alcohol use. Maybe you’re forgetting to pick the kids up from school, or you’re fighting with your spouse about how much you drink. Perhaps you’re drinking to forget about certain memories or past traumas that you can’t seem to shake.

In these instances, you need to seek treatment. Alcohol is having a negative impact on your life, and it’s useless to deny it. 

Other Situations Where You Might Seek Treatment

We’ve described some common scenarios where alcohol has become a problem, but there’s one we haven’t mentioned. Maybe what we’ve described so far doesn’t match up with what’s happening with you, but your alcohol use still makes you unhappy in some way.

Ultimately, that’s the criterion that should force you to seek treatment for alcohol use. If you feel alcohol is a problem for you, you’re the best judge of that.

Seeking treatment can be tough, but reaching out is always the first logical step.  

By Caitlyn

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