Dealing with a double chin can be an incredibly frustrating experience, and many people are going to struggle with that cosmetic issue as they grow older. While submental fat under the chin isn’t necessarily a dangerous problem, it can have a huge impact on an individual’s appearance and confidence. If you are ready to get rid of unwanted tissue below the chin or along the jawline, then it might be time to speak with a cosmetic surgeon about your surgical and non-surgical treatment options. Within weeks of your initial appointment, you could have the slim and toned jawline that you have always wanted.
A Look at Submental Fat
It is an unfortunate fact that submental fat just below the chin is a very common issue that many people develop as they grow older. While staying at a healthy weight will greatly reduce your risk of developing submental fat, you could still end up with loose skin and excess tissue in that area of the body. Your genetics play a major role in submental fat, and there is no guarantee that a healthy lifestyle will help you avoid that problem forever. Once the fat has begun to accumulate, getting rid of it on your own is going to be nearly impossible. That is one of the reasons why so many people have turned to the facelift procedure and Kybella treatment plans.
Surgical Treatment Options
The facelift continues to be one of the most popular cosmetic operations in the world, and millions of patients have had that procedure carried out over the last few decades. The primary goal of the facelift procedure is to remove age-related imperfections by carefully sculpting the lower half of the face. For the average patient, this operation is carried out after a powerful anesthetic has put them completely to sleep. Once asleep, the surgical team can make one small incision near each of the patient’s ears. Through those incisions, they will be able to remove excess tissue and pull the remaining skin tight.
One of the biggest drawbacks of the facelift is the recovery time, and most patients will need to spend at least a few weeks recovering at home. That being said, the facelift procedure can produce amazing results that often last for 10 years or longer. Some patients also decide to have this operation combined with a brow lift, injectable fillers, and other cosmetic treatments.
Non-Surgical Kybella Injections
If you would like to get rid of submental fat but aren’t ready for a complete facelift, then you might want to consider a Kybella treatment plan. Kybella is a powerful injectable that attacks fat cells with a unique substance known as deoxycholic acid. Once the product has been injected just below the skin, the deoxycholic acid will quickly begin to attack and destroy the fat cells. Kybella is one of the only FDA-approved treatments for submental fat, and it has an incredibly high success rate.
Deciding Which Procedure Is Right for You
Both of these treatment options can be very effective, and hundreds of thousands of patients benefit from them every single year. If you would like to learn more about the pros and cons of these two procedures, then you should contact a skilled surgeon who has experience with surgical and non-surgical treatment options for submental fat. Your surgeon will be able to help you come up with a comprehensive plan that eradicates unwanted fat below the chin and restores your youthful beauty.