Skin tags are a major skin issue in today’s time and place. It may be youngsters or old age citizens; all the age groups are a target of this skin problem.
But what is it? How does it build? And the most important, how can it be cured or removed?
Don’t worry, to help you with all your questions and doubts regarding this topic we have got the information you would require.

What are skin tags?
Skin tags can be defined as simple benign tumors of the skin. But these tumors are not the dangerous ones. There is no cancerous growth in the cells of the tumors.
Skin Tags are natural at any part of your body. Generally, skin tags occur on your underarms, under the breast, neck, and other parts. Skin tags are commonly found on people who are overweight or have obesity problems. Skin tags are not painful until unless they are in such an area where you feel difficult wearing clothes, in that situation it becomes important to remove skin tags to avoid pain and bleeding.
It is obvious that skin tags don’t look good and to look beautiful you tend to remove skin tags from the area which is most visible like your face, neck, etc.
Skin tags are harmless but if you try removing skin tags at home it may cause infection as well as bleeding.
If you found your skin tag annoying then it is highly recommended to visit a skin doctor for its removal rather than doing itself. It seems easy to do at home by yourself because it’s just a small piece of skin that’s stuck on your thin skin layer but the smaller the problem is the bigger it can be if it is ill-treated.
- These tumors appear as small protrusions of the skin tissues.
- These appear as small hanging bags on the surface of the skin.
- These are usually slightly brown or may appear in the same shade as your skin.
Location and sensation
The skin tags are commonly noticed in the areas where either blood supply or oxygen supply is interrupted.
These are painless and, thus, sometimes are noticed after a long time or may remain unnoticed, though.

Cause of Skin Tags
These can be caused due to the high susceptibility of an individual towards them, which may be inherited.
These usually occur due to collagen cluster formation trapped inside the layer of skin.
Skin tags are most common amongst old age people, people with diabetes, or people who are obese.
Women during pregnancy get these skin tags on their bodies due to hormonal imbalance and an increase in the growth factor.
What are genital skin tags?
As the name defines, the skin tags that grow on the genitals are known as the genital skin tags.
These may differ depending upon the immunity of an individual.
Some possess them in a huge amount; on the other hand, some do not ever see them in their whole lifetime.
Genital skin tags can also be confused or mislead as genital warts and vice versa.
So be careful while noticing any such growth in the genitals, as genitals warts are infectious.
The most common genital skin tag is the vaginal skin tag. Occurring in the female vagina, these are skin tags that can be loose and can move through the layers.
These are harmless but may become an issue as these tend to irritate the vagina.
If any such issues are noticed, you must consult your dermatologist as well as your gynecologist regarding this issue.

How to remove skin tags?
Having a skin tag is harmless as it is non-infectious and non-cancerous. But having such a symptom on your body may make you feel highly uncomfortable at times.
So to help you with this, we have got a list of methods by which you can remove skin tags from your body.
Manually: some skin tags are pretty small in size initially, and as they are painless, you can pick them off with your hands.
But be careful as if the growth is deep, it may be dangerous too.
Surgery: big or small, all kinds of skin tags can be removed by the help of surgical treatments.
Commonly used surgical treatments for this task are ligation, cauterization, excision, cryosurgery.
Home remedies: skin tags can be removed with the help of natural products that possess properties like anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
These go deep into the layers and break down the skin tags. As a result, the skin tags fall off naturally. Commonly used natural products to cure skin tags are:
- Garlic
- Banana peel
- Apple cider vinegar
- Essential oils
- Vitamin E capsules or oils.

Mole and skin tag remover:
Another method of removing those skin tags or even those moles on the skin is the skin tag removers.
Available in all the nearby medical stores, these are the most commonly used ones.
But what are they? Are they safe to use?
Based on the methods of the latest medical technology and dermatological studies, the skin tag removers work by acting on the layers of the skin tags.
These are safe and a great option. These must be used under the proper guidance of a dermatologist.
Skin tags, as we discussed, are caused by several causes. So to study the cause of your skin tag and then select the method of removing them is an important procedure. And this must be done by an expert.
It would be best if you visited your trusted dermatologist for the reference of the skin tag remover that is best suited for you.
Cost of skin tag removal:
The cost of the removal of the skin tag depends upon the method of removal you have opted for.
The most expensive is the surgical method; the charges for the surgical method may lie somewhere between the range of $100-$300.
The next method that is cheaper than the surgical one is the one of using a skin tag remover. A good skin tag remover may cost you somewhere between $50-$70.

Essential oils for skin tags:
Essential oils are a great and effective home remedy for the treatment and removal of skin tags.
These essential oils contain several elements that possess anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-anti-inflammatory properties.
The most effective essential oils for skin tag removal are:
- Tea-tree oil: the most commonly used essential oil available at almost every house.
- Rosemary oil: with the extract and benefits of the rosemary plant, it is a great one.
- Oregano oil: it is the best anti-fungal remedy for all skin related issues.
- Frankincense essential oil possesses antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Lemon oil: commonly used for cleaning purposes, it is great for drying those skin tags.
- Sweet basil essential oil: it is a great healer for all those blemishes and tags on your skin.
- Lavender essential oil: packed with the properties of the lavender flowers, this is a great healer for your skin issues.
- Rosehip seed oil: with a high amount of Vit-C in it, this essential oil is a great nourisher for your skin.
Here is all the required information regarding skin tags and their removal. We hope we cleared each doubt of yours regarding skin tags and their removal. Thanks for joining us in the article.