Benefits of Yoga beyond The Mat

Yoga is an ancient practice and meditation that is fast gaining popularity in the modern world. This is because yoga provides an escape from the chaotic and busy life associated with modern living. It makes one feel more relaxed. Yoga builds strength, awareness, and harmony in both the mind and body, offering many mental and physical benefits for people of all ages. And if you are recovering through surgery, yoga can be an essential part of your treatment and fast healing.

Below are some of the compelling benefits of practicing yoga.

Better body image 

Yoga has several mental benefits, including developing a sense of inner awareness. It focuses your attention on your body’s abilities at the present moment. Yoga develops the strength of the mind and body. Ever wondered why most yoga studios don’t have a mirror? This is to allow people to focus their awareness inward and not on the people around them or on the pose they are making. Recent studies show that those who practice yoga are more aware of their body than those who don’t. They become less critical of their body. Thus, yoga is an essential part of the treatment of eating disorder problems and positive body image programs and self-esteem.

Cardiovascular benefits

Yoga likely restores baroreceptor sensitivity in the body. This helps the body to sense blood pressure imbalances in the blood and maintain imbalance. Therefore, practicing yoga can positively affect those who have hypertension by lowering blood pressure. Studies also show that practicing yoga improves lipid profiles in healthy individuals and coronary artery disease patients. Yoga is also useful in lowering excessive blood sugar levels in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes, reducing their need for constant medication. Today, most specialists include yoga in many cardiac rehabilitation programs due to their cardiovascular and stress relieving benefits.

Promotes mindful eating

Intuitive or mindful eating encourages being present in the moment while eating. It is about focusing your attention on what you are eating, the taste, smell, and texture of the food, and paying attention to the feeling you get while eating. Intuitive eating is vital in promoting healthy eating habitats that help increase weight loss and treatment of disordered eating habits.

Practicing yoga promotes a similar emphasis on mindfulness, not just in class but in every aspect of life. Studies have shown that incorporating yoga into an eating disorder treatment program helps reduce eating disorder symptoms and decrease binge eating episodes.

Enhances fitness

Yoga soothes tension and reduces anxiety in the mind and body. Besides, practicing yoga can have a considerable impact on a person’s exercise capacity. In a recent study, researchers studied a group of individuals who had not practice yoga before. And after three months of practicing yoga at least thrice a week, for a total of 210 minutes, the participants had greater muscle strength, improved flexibility, and endurance.


Multiple medical studies have confirmed the mental and physical benefits of yoga. Practicing yoga Melbourne can help enhance your strength and endurance, reduce anxiety and depression. Finding time to practice a few times a week is enough to make you notice a massive difference in your mind and body.

By Caitlyn

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