Things to know about ADHD

ADHD manifests itself primarily in children but sometimes in adults too. A national survey conducted across the USA revealed 6.1 million kids were suffering from this condition. It showed the highest occurrence in adolescents (between 17 to 18 years). 

People living with ADHD disorder tend to be impulsive, hyperactive, and inattentive. So if you doubt a child with ADHD, look for these symptoms first or go for psychological assessment. ADHD can be detrimental to your life in many ways. It is hard to succeed at school or perform well at a job. 

However, reading ADHD success stories from people who have battled this disorder is highly encouraging, even though there is no permanent cure besides medication and talk therapy. 

If you want to know more about ADHD and how you can prevent it from affecting your life, here is the information.

What is ADHD?

ADHD refers to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children. In most cases, it continues well into teenage years and adult life. Besides being unable to focus on something for a long time, people are often fidgety or constantly in motion for no apparent reason and do things without giving them a second thought. When combined, it can significantly impact the quality of life.

What are the causes behind it?

Research on ADHD is constantly evolving, offering fresh insights and new perspectives that might help medical experts understand it better. However, studies show it is caused by a combination of factors such as genetics, brain injury, exposure to toxic environments at an early age, premature delivery, low weight, and alcohol use. Even though some people believe that excessive sugar consumption, long hours of television, poverty, and a conflict-filled environment at home are reasons behind it, experts say that is not true.

What are the different types?

ADHD is primarily of three types and is distinguished based on the symptoms in an individual. 

  • Predominantly inattentive

A predominantly inattentive person would find it challenging to complete a task even after spending a lot of time. They cannot pay attention to details or specifics or follow instructions regardless of how hard they try. They find themselves easily distracted, and completing daily chores is an uphill task. 

  • Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive

A predominantly hyperactive-impulsive person is excessively fidgety and cannot sit still even for a few minutes. Children who fall in this category are always seen running, jumping, climbing, or engaging in physical movements for no apparent reason at all. They might also interrupt others constantly, speak out of turn, exhibit a low level of patience, and find quiet environments quite disturbing. 

  • Combined

Anybody who has a combination of the two types of ADHD mentioned above falls in this category. Many people, including children and adults, are predominantly inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive, and, interestingly, the combined type is observed more in boys than girls.

Is there any treatment for this disorder?

Although no permanent treatment exists for this condition, medication and talks therapy are two ways of dealing with it. 

  • Therapy 

Doctors mainly prescribe behavioral therapy for children and behavioral management training for parents to help them understand their behavior and learn to deal with them appropriately. Children below the age of six do not usually require medicines, while those above it benefit the most from a combination of therapy and medication. Treatments such as family or marital therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and classroom management interventions are also helpful in dealing with this condition.

  • Medication

Medications for this disability are usually available as stimulants and non-stimulants. Doctors mainly prescribe stimulants such as methylphenidate and amphetamines to patients because they work faster and produce efficient results. 


It is incredibly encouraging to read ADHD success stories and know how to prevent it from permanently affecting the quality of life. It can cause various problems for children and adults if not attended to in time, and that is the reason why you must be fully aware and informed about it.

By Caitlyn

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