Medical Sharps Injuries

Needle sticks, as well as sharps injuries, are among the significant hazards within healthcare premises. All medical waste needs to get treated with the severity it deserves. The needles and syringe wastes can contain blood-borne viruses, among other illnesses. Any healthcare institution ought to contact the best medical waste collector and recycling agency to meet all their waste disposal solution. Below is a guide to assist one to avoid medical sharps injuries before and after collection.  

Personal sample taking

There are times where it might be necessary to obtain blood samples from a community setting. Some patients tend to have prolonged intravenous drug use, thus have poorly accessible veins. These patients are at a higher risk of suffering from BBV ailments. To avoid this, you can request to obtain your blood sample under the supervision of a community health worker. 

After that, you must deposit the syringe in the sharps bin upon usage. It’s a simple way to reduce the risk of getting contaminated sharps injury.

Needlestick injuries 

There’s a need to minimize needlestick injuries within healthcare institutions. Safer needle technology has been kept in place to ensure this is a reality. Various devices have been made available, and they include blood collection systems. Safety cannula, blood lancets as well as needle-free devices.

Implement a safe zone 

You ought to strive and try all means necessary to reduce sharps injuries related illnesses by having a safe zone. The ‘safe zones’ eliminate the need to pass any sharp device to another staff member directly. It becomes a neutral area where someone can pick up a sharp object without injuring anyone else. 

A safe zone can also be a designated area where all medical waste disposal will take place as you await collection. Thus, the collectors can pick up the sharps wastes and dispose of them off very well.  

Double glove 

You ought to put two pairs of surgical gloves to minimize sharps related injuries. To some, double gloving might reduce their sensitivity. However, your safety comes first. It would be best if you incorporated this practice into your daily therapeutic activities. It will ensure you don’t contaminate any illness. Once you get done with the patient, you ought to dispose the gloves and needles or syringe into their respective bins as they await collection. 

Where to dispose of the waste

You must place all medical waste in a sizeable well-labeled container. It can be a departmental address for easier identification. It would be best if you never put any sharp object into the yellow hazardous bad as it might cause severe injuries.

Avoid using makeshift containers at all costs for any sharp’s disposal. It’s because the waste might find its way into domestic wastes, which possess a more significant risk among staff and members of the community. Lastly, you must never retrieve any item from the sharps collecting bin.

You ought to have contact with agencies that provide the best medical waste disposal services. It will enable you to get the best services for your health institution, thus allowing you to stay on the safe side of the law. You ought to be extra cautious will all medical wastes as they pose a higher risk to anyone within the healthcare premises.

By Caitlyn

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