Urban Exercise

Living in the ‘concrete jungle’ has its many different benefits. As a young professional, student, or retiree living in the city, there are a vast number of opportunities – both career wise or socially – and it comes as no surprise that the cityscape is becoming a more popular place to live. However, particularly during the current pandemic, where many of us are stuck within our apartments and homes, it can be difficult to find open space to work out and stay fit and healthy.

Use your apartment space

Sure, an apartment or flat might be challenging to move around in at the best of times even before trying to exercise, with many of us having to sacrifice space in order to live in a prime area, but there are some workarounds that you can try. You could convert a spare room into a personal gym area, and invest in some equipment, or even use some different objects and pieces of furniture if you don’t want to spend the money.

If you’re lucky enough to live in a luxury apartment building (or are moving to one in the near future), you might have facilities within the building, such as an on-site gym or swimming area, that you can make the most of. Some of the forward-thinking property developments by RWinvest have these sorts of facilities built-in, and they’re perfect for those that want to work on a schedule that suits them, not having to worry about going to and from the gym at peak times when it might be extremely busy.

Tip – Step it up a notch – Live on a higher floor in your apartment building? Estimates suggest that taking the stairs is about three times as effective as simply walking at a regular pace, and so why not opt to climb the stairs now and again instead of getting in the lift/elevator? Particularly if you work in the city and live nearby to your office (or are working from home), it’s important to get your steps in on a daily basis, and so this can be the perfect, quick solution to get that blood pumping and heart rate up.

Use what’s around you

While it might not always seem like the city is the best place to exercise, there are always things happening around you that you can get involved with and benefit from. Gyms are commonplace in cities, for example, and are starting to re-open with socially distant health policies in place (depending on whereabouts you’re living currently). There are always classes going on in parks and green spaces dotted around. Look online for some of these classes and meetups that you might be able to get involved with, and go from there.

If you want to get out uninterrupted, perhaps to go for a run without having to worry about bumping into people on busy streets, and having to readjust your path, it might be a good idea to leave early in the morning before work, or after work, and later at night, providing you stay safe of course.

By Caitlyn

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