Oral Health

It’s never too early to start teaching your children a good oral hygiene routine. Teaching your children about oral hygiene at an early age is an investment in their future oral health. Teeth can decay is very common in children. But this is something that can be prevented with proper oral care. 

Teaching your children good dental care is all about developing strong habits, setting positive examples, and guiding these kids no matter their age. You can also take your children to a dental clinic, where a professional dentist can take them through oral health.

Here is how you can encourage good oral habits.

  1. Lead by example

Good oral hygiene and habits start with the parent. Children always learn by example. So if they see you brushing and flossing daily, of course, they will also want to follow suit. You should ensure that they watch you as you brush and floss every time so that they can see how you do it. This will make the children grow up knowing how important it is to care for the mouth and teeth.

  1. Play a fun tooth brushing song

Thanks to the internet, you can easily find a song your children can dance to as they brush their teeth. Listening to a song will make the task more exciting, and it will also help the time to pass quickly. These songs are available on the internet, particularly YouTube.

  1. Get the kids colorful toothbrushes

If you want to make the children enjoy brushing more, you need to get them toothbrushes of their favorite color or have their favorite characters on them. You may underestimate the impact that a toothbrush especially the one that is character-themes has as a parent, the truth is that these kinds of toothbrushes can make them willing to brush their teeth more.

  1. Get a toothbrush with enticing flavors

The traditional mint flavor of toothpaste can be a huge turnoff to children. That’s why you need to get a flavor that is kid-friendly such as bubble gum or strawberry. If the taste of the toothpaste is more enticing, your children will be willing to brush their teeth, unlike when the toothpaste is more annoying. 

  1. Offer a reward

It is not a bad idea to reward your children for looking after their teeth properly. However, you should stay away from rewarding them with sugary stuff. Instead, you can tell them a bedtime story, offer them a sticker, or even play a mini-game, such as hide-and-seek. You know your kids well, so you can reward them with what they like the most. Rewarding your children will encourage them to make oral health a priority.

  1. Schedule regular dental check-ups

Another way to teach your children about the importance of oral health is by visiting a professional dentist once in a while. When your children visit a dentist regularly starting from their young age, it will become a habit even in adulthood.  

By Caitlyn

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