Sleep Apnea

If you are someone who has suffered from sleep apnea for a long time, you will know just how debilitating the condition can be. Not only can it affect your breathing and sleep at night, but it can make you feel tired and exhausted during the day. And although it is a condition that can not be cured, there are several ways to treat sleep apnea and all of them can be helpful in different ways.

1. Lose some weight

There is a definite link between people who are overweight and people who have sleep apnea, so one of the best things that you can do for yourself when you have this condition is to lose some weight. People who are overweight tend to have thicker necks than those that are slim, and thus the fatty tissue can cause an obstruction to your airway, making it harder for you to breathe. Although some people do not have the option to lose weight due to age or ability restrictions, there are many of us who can lose weight through diet and exercise. Although losing weight may not fix your sleep apnea, it can definitely help to alleviate some of your symptoms, so it is worth trying this first before you try other treatments.

2. Try positional therapy

When you have a condition like sleep apnea, your sleeping position can be very important, because certain positions are proven to block your airways when you sleep. A lot of people with sleep apnea tend to sleep on their backs rather than on their sides and this can cause you to breathe through your mouth rather than your nose while you sleep, which can be harmful. Sometimes, you will be required to wear a positional device in order to help you stay on your side, but if you have the will power and the right mattress, you should be able to sleep on your side easily. Websites like Sleepify are great for people who are looking to invest in a new mattress because it allows you to find all the tools and information that you need to get a good night sleep which is invaluable for people with sleeping disorders.

3. Use an oral appliance

If you have a mild to moderate case of sleep apnea, you might try an oral appliance to help you breathe better while you sleep. Oral appliances are often recommended to people who have a mild case of sleep apnea because they help the patient to breathe better while they are asleep. Most of these devices work by holding the tongue in a position that allows you to breathe properly while you are asleep without any obstructions. A lot of people who have sleep apnea like to use these devices because they are fairly unintrusive, so they don’t affect a patient very much while they are trying to sleep. 

4. Try CPAP therapy

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airways Pressure) therapy is often recommended for people who have sleep apnea as it can really help with some of the issues that people with the condition suffer with. This type of therapy involves the patient wearing a mask that is attached to a machine that pumps air through their airways while they sleep. This therapy helps a lot of people who have an obstruction to their throat or nasal passageways because it allows more air to get to your mouth and nose while you are sleeping. Many places like CPAP Direct offer a great range of CPAP masks and machines that help people with respiratory problems and sleep disorders, so you should be able to find the right device to suit your needs. Even though CPAP masks and machines can be uncomfortable to sleep with at first, they can really help you if you have sleep apnea, so try to preserve if it gets uncomfortable.

5. Seek out a surgeon

Sometimes, if you have a severe case of sleep apnea, your doctor will recommend that you have surgery to help with your condition. Most doctors will be able to identify the root cause of your sleep apnea and where most of your issues are occurring, and then relay that information to the surgeon to help you fix your problems. Some people who have sleep apnea have issues with their nose, while other people will have issues with their mouth or throat so the doctor will have to perform surgery on these key areas. Surgery is usually one of the last options that doctors explore for people who have sleep apnea and most of the time the surgery will fix or alleviate most of the issues that people have, but it is not a cure for the illness and may not work for everyone.

There are a number of treatment options to explore if you have sleep apnea. However, it is important to know that not all of the treatments will work for everyone. Trying all of the options that are available to you is the best way to determine the treatment that will work for you. Just because there is currently no cure for sleep apnea, it does not mean that you have to suffer in silence, so talk to your doctor about your treatment options in order to find the best fit for you. 

By Caitlyn

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