Difference Between Cold and Flu

Respiratory illnesses are of various forms and means, the symptoms of these illnesses are similar to an extent. Due to the similarity of these symptoms, a lot of chronic diseases are thought to be the common acute diseases and vice versa. 

The confusion which revolves around the matter is quite risky and disturbing. Every illness should need the treatment and importance it most rightly deserves, and for that to happen, we must have a keen eye to differentiate these diseases. 

How often are you scared when you sneeze? Or think that you have caught the flu?

Through this article, we are here to clear the air and to differentiate between the flu and the common cold. We shall be discussing what flu and the common cold are, The symptoms of cold are as follows: these symptoms are much less severe than that of the flu. The difference between the symptoms will be differentiated when we reach to the depth of the article, 

their symptoms and how they are different from each other. Keep reading to resolve the confusion.

Cold and Its Symptoms

The common cold may be due to a seasonal change or a bacterial infection. It is much familiar in children aged between 3 – 14 because of their evolving immunity. Adults can also suffer from the cold due to many reasons, and some may be excessively exposed to get cold because of their weak immune systems and inability to fight from bacterial infection.

⦁ Runny nose, congestion, sneezing

⦁ Mild body pain

⦁ chills, fatigue, fever

⦁ watery eyes, redness 

Flu and Its Symptoms

Influenza is a more severe condition than cold. Sometimes it may take a form of chronic disease and emerge into a concerning issue. One should be provided with the right medicines and treatment when suffering from the flu as a viral infection is its cause. 

 Children, seniors aged more than 65, pregnant women, people suffering from a pre-existent respiratory illness like asthma or even heart and kidney diseases are much more likely to be caught by the clutches of flu.

Symptoms of flu are as follows; 

⦁ Diarrhoea

⦁ Vomiting

⦁ Headache

⦁ High fever 

⦁ chest congestion and sore throat. 

Difference in the Symptoms of Cold and Flu

● When suffering from the common cold, the intensity of the symptoms grow gradually, but during flu, the symptoms are almost sudden and intense from the very beginning.   

● The body ache experienced during common cold is mild and rare whereas flu is sure to reflect severe aches.

● Sneezing during cold is quite common, but it is not so common in the flu. If the sneezing is from the beginning and persists, it is most probably cold and not influenza. 

● Chills and high fever are the common symptoms of flu and should not be confused by the cold. The fever during the cold is mild and not as intense. 

● While suffering from the flu, the body seems to be extremely tired and drained out. It is difficult for the person to get up and do the daily chores. Whereas in the cold, the weakness is not so pronounced and is quite usual. 

● Cold also implies stuffy nose and sore throat, whereas these are not the usual symptoms of flu. Flu is more likely to be marked by symptoms like diarrhoea and vomiting. 

● The common cold may also be cured by home remedies like steam, herbs, or a few usually prescribed medicines. Flu, on the other hand, needs proper treatment and cannot be cured by remedies. 


Respiratory diseases are not easy to comprehend on our own; one must seek professional help if the symptoms persist and intensify. Flu can be a life-threatening disease and should never be neglected.

If a person is suffering from cold for a long time and the symptoms are intensifying, then it may take the form of flu or other underlying diseases. One should not consume medicines which are not prescribed by a professional, that may worsen the situation. 

It’s better to be sure about something than hanging on with the confusion of what can be what. 

By Caitlyn

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