Experiencing hip pain is something a person does not want to experience, as it is painful, but it also makes a lot of everyday tasks extremely difficult due to the pain making various movements uncomfortable. While some hip injuries are entirely unavoidable due to genetics, there are many that you can prevent by getting your body in shape and ready for most causes of a hip injury.
Resistive band exercises
There are all kinds of exercises where you can warm up your ligamentum teres, which is a part of the hip joint. In most cases, exercises with a resistive band can also help you go through ligamentum teres tear treatment by relieving you of the paint you are experiencing during recovery.
How you want to do the exercises is simply tie a rubber band to a stable object and then wrap the other end under the leg you will move. After you position the rubber band, make sure you are grabbing onto something not to lose your balance while doing the exercise. Then, move your leg with the band around it in the opposite direction from the stable object.
As you are doing this, keep your foot and knee straight, and make slow motions away and then back towards your starting location. If you are feeling uncomfortable at any point as the band tightens, do not force yourself to tighten the band further. It is suggested to start the exercise with ten repetitions per leg.
Once you do a set by moving the leg forward from the object, reposition yourself so the band tightens as you push the leg with the rubber band to the side, once again, away from the stable object. After you finish a set sideways, repeat both sets twice. If the rubber band is not tight enough for you after a while, feel free to get a band with more resistance.
Resistive band exercises are great for your hips and your legs
One-foot squats
Once again, this exercise will require you to have a stable object next to you, so you can hold onto it while doing the exercise. However, instead of using a rubber band to do the training, you will be using the weight of your own body.
As you hold onto the secure object, stand only on one of your legs. Try holding with as little force as possible, if you can, try holding onto the object by a single finger, as this exercise is more effective that way, and knee surgeon, this is one of the better ways to prevent yourself from getting knee injuries as it makes knees stronger.
The exercise is done in three sets of ten squats on each leg. Of course, if this becomes easy for you, simply increase either the number of sets or the number of repetitions. If you are recovering from knee injuries, you can do this exercise too, but do it very slowly and do not push yourself to do maximum repetitions and sets as instructed.
Hip stretching exercises
There are a couple of practical ways to stretch your hips so you can reduce the risk of injury before you decide to do some more challenging exercises or play some sports. The most basic hip stretching exercise is the external hip rotations.
To do this, sit on the floor, put both of your legs in front, bend your knees, and press the soles together. Then, put a hand on each knee, and push your knees to the floor until you feel like stretching them. Stop applying pressure once you are uncomfortable and keep it like that for ten seconds. Repeat this stretch from five to ten times.
The second stretch is the hip and lower back stretch, which starts with you lying flat on your back. Then, bend your knees and grab them with your hands. As you take a deep breath, pull the knees towards your shoulders. Again, pull as close to your shoulders until you start feeling uncomfortable, and then hold it for up to thirty seconds, and then breathe out. Repeat this five to ten times.
The last exercise that will get your hips warmed up is called bridging. You can start this immediately after the previous stretching routine by continuing to lay down on your back with your knees bent but your soles on the ground. However, instead of having your hands on the knees, put them behind your head. If the floor is uncomfortable, feel free to place a pillow under your neck for support.
Once you are in that position, thrust your pelvis up in the air while keeping your hands behind your head and your feet and shoulders on the ground. As you lift your pelvis as high as possible, hold it for five seconds and then slowly get it back to the starting position. You can do two sets of five to ten repeats for this exercise.
Bridging is a fantastic exercise for your hips
Final Word
You can take advantage of various other exercises to keep your body in good shape or warm-up correctly before you do some more challenging workouts. Most hip injuries tend to occur for those who decide to give their all while doing sports without keeping their body in shape, and due to the sudden “surprise movements,” ligaments and muscles can easily get injured.