Hatha Vs. Vinyasa Yoga

There are many forms of yoga, but they all work towards a similar goal; that is to bring together the mind, body, and spirit and to increase strength and flexibility. Asanas, or physical postures, are emphasized when the body is out of shape, not flexible enough, or in need of healing.

Currently, two of the most popular forms of yoga are Hatha and Vinyasa yoga. As a yogi, you are always challenged to attempt various kinds of yoga. This allows you to know your body better and experience multiple benefits. But, which is better? Read on to know more about Hatha vs Vinyasa yoga.

Numbers And Figures

Apart from India, in no other place has this 5000-year-old activity gained a more considerable following than in the US. In 2020 alone, it is projected that nearly 30 million Americans practice a form of yoga because of its immense health benefits. 

  • Vinyasa Yoga

Vinaya in Sanskrit means “placing something in a special way.” Vinyasa yoga is highly active and athletic. Other yoga styles, including Ashtanga, Baptise, and Prana flow, are considered as Vinyasa yoga.

A typical session consists of yogis using varying poses and co-ordinating breathing while ensuring a smooth, continuous transition. Each class is different from the other, with some having more prolonged postures and lengthier warm-up exercises.

Benefits Of Vinyasa Yoga

As you engage in Vinyasa yoga, your body sweats, hence expelling any toxins from your body. The synchronized breathing relaxes the mind with additional results like the following:

  1. Enhances your mood
  2. Aids your posture and eases movement
  3. Improves muscle concentration
  4. Nourishes the lower back soft tissue, effectively reducing pain
  • Hatha Yoga

The term Hatha is a combination of two words- “ha,” which means sun, and “tha,” which means moon. When translated from its original Sanskrit form, it also means “willful.” The practice of Hatha yoga is the mastery of the physical aspects of one’s body, including all functionality.

Hatha yoga also emphasizes on activation of the chakras to stimulate kundalini, which is the primal energy within you. Through its performance, yogis attempt to balance the mind, body, and chakras through controlled meditation and asanas.

Benefits Of Hatha

Each time before you start your daily Hatha yoga practice, check which nostril is more active. If it’s the right, then Pingala is energized. If it’s left, then Ida is domineering. Some of the benefits offered by Hatha yoga are:

  1. Strengthened muscles
  2. Tones the spine
  3. Boosts immunity
  4. Makes you happy
  5. Improves your flow of energy
  6. Enhances blood circulation.

Both Hatha and Vinyasa yogas put forward great options. They offer a wide range of benefits, making them worth practicing. Bottom line, whichever style you choose, ensure to follow this up with a combination of a balanced diet and regular practice.

Yoga isn’t like aerobics; it’s not just about sweating. It’s about keeping your body lean and fit, getting to know yourself at an intimate level, and bringing the best out of you. To learn more about Hatha vs. Vinyasa yoga, reach out to instructors who have experience teaching these two yoga forms. 

By practicing either Hatha or Vinyasa yoga, it’s possible to attain a body free of illnesses and diseases, thereby allowing you to live life to the fullest.

By Caitlyn

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