Working Out Post-Injury

Being injured is one of the most frustrating things that can happen to any keep-fit enthusiast. Sitting on the sidelines for days, weeks or months is enough to drive anyone a little crazy. However, the good news is that just because you are injured, it doesn’t mean that you have to sit completely still, you will just need to take things slowly at first. 

Depending on the extent of your injury, there are a variety of things that you can do to prepare yourself for getting back to working out regularly. For example, incorporating stretching into your day is a great way to improve blood flow, resistance bands can help you build strength around the injured area and low-impact exercise such as cycling, swimming, or yoga can help you to recover quicker and get back to your regular workout routine sooner rather than later. However, as every injury is different, it’s important to speak to your doctor about your specific circumstances. 

Let’s take a look at just a few tips that can help you to get back to working out properly after an injury.

Be Patient

Being out of action because of an injury is frustrating and it can be very tempting to jump back into working out before you are ready. It’s crucial that you are patient and that you wait until you are physically ready to train before you get back to your normal schedule. If you push your body too hard and don’t allow enough time for proper recovery and rehabilitation, you could end up causing more permanent damage that will delay your return to training even more. 

Stretch Regularly

To help your body to heal, it’s important to keep the blood flowing and for plenty of oxygen to reach the affected area. Stretching is one of the best ways to keep your body limber and subtle when you’re injured. Depending on how bad your injury is, you may be able to stretch a little or a lot. Assess your abilities carefully and create a stretching routine that you can incorporate into your schedule at least twice a day to aid in your recovery. 

Build Strength Slowly

When we don’t use our muscles, they become weaker and don’t provide our joints with the right support. For example, if you are on crutches, you won’t be using one of your legs as much as usual. In a situation like this, it’s vital that you spend time building up strength around the injured area slowly during your rehabilitation. Avoid lifting heavyweights in the beginning and instead focus on small movements using resistance bands and very light weights, which you can increase slowly over time.

Take It Slow

When the time comes to get back to training, it’s important that you take your time and begin slowly. Regardless of how you think you might be feeling, you will not be at 100%. It might take you days, weeks, months or even years to get back to your full workout routine so be sure to take it slowly. If you go too hard, too soon, there is a high probability that your injury will recur and you will have to start your recovery and rehab all over again. 

Prepare For A Successful Return To Regular Workouts

When it comes to recovering from an injury and returning to working out regularly, it’s important to remember that everyone is different. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and what will work for one person might not be the best solution for someone else. Be sure to listen to your body, consult with your doctor and be patient on the road to recovery. With a careful and considered approach, you will be back to working out regularly in no time!

By Caitlyn

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