Hair Density

Is your hair getting thinner and thinner? How long does it take to grow back after cutting it? 

Hair density refers to the number of strands per square inch of the scalp, which should be 2,200. Losing more than a hundred strands per day should be considered a problem. An increasing number of individuals cope with hair loss for different reasons, such as a poor diet, lack of care, genetics, pollution, hormones, and age. 

Nevertheless, there is no reason for individuals to be desperate, as they can make some personal care changes and introduce natural remedies to their routines. 

The tips you will find below are designed to assist people with low hair density.

Try aloe vera gel

The aloe vera gel is an incredible ingredient, which has been used to prompt hair growth and increase its thickness for ages. It not only soothes the scalp but also unblocks the follicles to allow growth. Aloe vera can be used in various ways, either alone or in combination with another ingredient. When using aloe vera on its own, you can either ingest it by adding it to juice and water or apply it directly to the scalp. 

When applying aloe vera directly, you should use warm water to rinse the gel to prevent leaving residue. Individuals can also mix aloe vera with other ingredients to make masks. For instance, you can mix aloe vera gel and castor oil to boost hair quality. This mask is kept overnight and rinsed off in the morning. Find out more about using castor oil for hair growth.

If you don’t wish to wait the entire night to wash the mask off, you can mix aloe vera with yogurt, coconut oil, and henna. Your hair will become denser and more hydrated just by letting the mask sit for an hour on your scalp once weekly. This ingredient can be mixed with olive oil and apple cider vinegar as well. It’s applied to the scalp and rinsed with cold water after fifteen minutes. 

Practice scalp massages

Blood experiences more difficulties in reaching the scalp than it has with the other body parts. Hence, scalp massage is believed to stimulate blood flow in this area and boost the anagen phase. By practicing regular oil massage, individuals start controlling their hair fall and see improvement in density. 

Moreover, the promotion of blood circulation makes the roots much stronger, which leads to thicker and healthier strands. The best choice of oils for scalp massage include argan oil, olive oil, and coconut oil. Individuals should remember that massaging this area shouldn’t be overdone but limited to once or twice weekly. 

Try fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds, also known as methi, refer to a popular Indian seed used for cooking. Make sure to follow this link,, to check out some useful tips about increasing hair density. Fenugreek contains folic acid, protein, nicotinic acid, vitamin A, C, and K, as well as iron and potassium. Iron is helpful in preventing gray strands, while nicotinic acid improves volume and density. 

Furthermore, these seeds can be soaked in water overnight and mixed with lemon juice the next morning. This mixture should be blended properly and then put on the scalp to sit for thirty minutes. Also, you can try mixing fenugreek with honey and curd. This mixture is best applied to the hair tips and left to sit for half an hour until rinsed with shampoo and water. 

Fenugreek seeds can be ingested, not just applied topically. You should soak the seeds overnight in water and drink the water in the morning. This habit should be repeated every day in the course of a two-month period. You will improve your hair density and digestion at the same time. 

Use eggs

Eggs are a well-known ingredient when it comes to improving hair quality. They are packed with nutrients like minerals and proteins, which restore quality and improve its smoothness. Given hair consists of 75 % protein; it’s no wonder eggs provide the necessary nourishment. For instance, you can combine one egg with a single spoon of henna and some fenugreek powder. 

Another recipe to try is mixing one egg with coconut oil and banana. Once you are done preparing it, make sure to cover the scalp and leave the mixture for twenty minutes. You shouldn’t rinse it unless it’s absolutely dry. 

The combination of aloe vera gel and an egg is also considered beneficial for boosting hair density. The solution is not only applied to the scalp but the entire hair by brushing it down with a comb. Similar to the other combination, it’s supposed to sit for twenty minutes. 

Take more vitamin C

Another method to try to improve hair density is increasing the intake of vitamin C. This vitamin is considered beneficial because of its high levels of antioxidants, which reduce oxidative stress levels. It’s also involved in building collagen that’s directly related to hair strength and density. 

Vitamin C plays a major role in root strengthening and increases iron absorption. Citrus fruits are the most abundant source of vitamin C, including lemons, limes, and oranges. Cantaloupes and strawberries are also famous for their vitamin C content. Conversely, some vegetables are packed with this nutrient, such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and potatoes. 

Make some diet changes

Diet changes are believed to make a real difference in hair density and texture. It’s important for individuals to include vitamin B6, zinc, antioxidants, and folic acid in their daily menu. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce shedding, which is why you should consume more fish, seafood, nuts, and seeds.

There are certain foods that every person is recommended to ingest regularly for improving growth and density. They include eggs, cheese, oatmeal, lentil, fish, milk, avocado, fruits and vegetables, yogurt, etc. 

A final note

Every tip of those mentioned above is worth trying. 

There is no harm in experimenting with natural remedies like aloe vera, fenugreek seeds, eggs, honey, curd, vitamin C, and coconut oil!

By Caitlyn

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