Drinking Water

Growing up, friends and family tell you to take eight glasses of water daily. No one told you to remove toxins from your drinking water!

Now, you’re thinking: but, I don’t take dirty water. Well, not all water contamination cases would be like Flint, Michigan in 2014 where drinking water had discolouration.

Water can be clean and still contain several toxins. You don’t believe it?

In 2015, almost 77 million Americans drank from tap systems (with clean water) violating federal protection policies on safe and drinkable water. Yet, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) statistics estimate that over 50 million Americans across 25 states currently drink water containing arsenic.

And 25 states are half the country! No one is safe.

Don’t fret though: This piece will guide you on how to treat your water of toxins. But first, what are the usual culprits?

Toxins in your Water: The Usual Culprits

Like chasing shadows, you can’t treat what you don’t know. For that reason, let’s see the list of the common contaminants:

Arsenic – contains carcinogen; a substance that enhances the development of cancer. When you take more than the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) permitted level of arsenic, the chemical toxins will disrupt your bodily function.

Chlorine and its by-products – Haloacetic acids are components of chlorine water treatment. When in large quantities, it can cause cancer and reproduction difficulties.

Lead – is the head of the dragon. Its fires cause behavioural and neurological disorders in children and adults. Unfortunately, the head of the fire-spitting beast rests on your water pipes.

Nitrates – are vital elements of plant fertilizers; they often run off commercial farms into water bodies. When that happens in large quantities, it can lead to failed pregnancy and blue baby syndrome (disruption of oxygen-blood circulation).

Vinyl chloride – is a component of plastic products like your bottles and pipes. And like chlorine and lead, it also causes cancer.

How to Remove Toxins from your Drinking Water?

There’s only one way out: filter all the water you drink. Call it killing several birds with a stone! Because water filters save you:

  • the health consequences of untreated water
  • money spent on incessant plumbing issues
  • guilty of failing your environment

Now, which filter is best for removing toxins from your water?

Adsorption-activated carbon water filters

By design, activated carbon filters are best suited to combat toxins. The water filtration system rids water of mineral matter & waste, heavy metals, chlorine & its halo-groups, and other organic elements.

Also, carbon filtration is relatively affordable and easy to set up. All you need to do is to get the system and regularly change its sieving media (charcoal).

After, place your adsorption filter at a point of water delivery, like your faucets. At this point, the filter will capture your toxins and give you contamination-free drinkable water.

There’s only one downline to activated carbon system. It doesn’t protect all your water outlets; it can only support one faucet.

Need a filtration system that protects all faucets?

Check ionic exchange or whole-house filtration systems! Though very expensive, they also eliminate traces of radioactive substances from your drinking water.

Hope you now know how to treat your water?

A quick tip: stop using plastic bottles. They could further contaminate all your good works. Instead, use glass water containers!

By Caitlyn

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