The Best Chiropractor Tips

In a majority of cases today, people engage in sedentary work with long hours in one position looking at a computer, or in some cases standing bending over a digital system. Either situation is harsh on the body, especially the neck and back regions. 

Generally, with heavy work loads, there’s no time to employ preventative measures to avoid aches/pains, and potential damage. Getting up and moving around, stretching, or sitting down everyone once in a while when you have to stand all day, can help to relieve some stress being put on the spine. But often there’s little time to take breaks leading to the need for medical intervention.

The problem is many people wait to get treatment until the ailment has become a detriment to the quality of their life at an almost unbearable level, where if you start at the first sign of trouble to search for the best chiropractor, you can learn simple techniques that you can employ each day to dissuade future problems.

The Best Chiropractic Tips From South OKC

Following some basic tips from a chiropractor through regular sessions can help prevent undue back and neck pain in the future. A lot of people deal with sedentary jobs or excessive stresses each day distressing their spine to the point activities of daily living becomes challenging. 

By the time they reach out for medical care, many are enduring significant levels of pain. In most instances, if treatment is sought at the first sign of trouble, this can be avoided. Some takeaway chiropractic tips to help in everyday life include:

1. Try to avoid looking down at your phone regularly:  Often people check their phone upon waking, before going to sleep, and, statistics show, check it nearly 80 times throughout the day. For the majority of people, the phone is held in a way that you have to bend your head to scroll through. It puts a lot of strain on the back and neck. Claims suggest it equates to pressure of upwards of 60 lbs. being placed on the spine. 

Typically, no one complies, but the recommendation is to restrict use finding other ways to occupy your time. When coming home from work, put your phone on the charge and leave it overnight. It will not only help your back and neck, but improve social relationships. When you do scroll, keep the device at eye level.

2. Make time for morning stretching: it only takes a few minutes each morning to work on making improvements, including taking the time for stretching before you head out to face a day of sitting in the car through traffic jams and sitting behind a desk. 

While lying down all night, the discs in your spine and joints increase their intake of fluid with pain and stiffness developing as a result. Morning stretches help the body to warm up and alleviate these symptoms improving overall posture in the long-term. Click for ways you can avoid neck and back pain.

Blood flow will increase which enhances energy levels and performance for the coming day.

3. Fight the urge to crack your neck: You can do greater harm in cracking your neck than good, especially when you do it wrong. There are a host of nerves in the neck as well as blood vessels. You can puncture blood vessels, pinch nerves, or there could be blood clotting as the result of incorrect cracking. 

The muscles can also be strained around the joints and muscles with the potential for permanently stretching and damaging the ligaments surrounding the area known as “perpetual instability.” This can lead to the risk of osteoarthritis at some point.

4. Avoid heat, use cold treatment: Always use ice or cold packs to treat fresh injuries because it can help to reduce inflammation and swelling. Heat on the other hand can potentially make the pain worse for a new injury.

The blood flow is slowed with ice but stimulated with hot packs. In slowing blood flow to the area, fluid accumulation decreases and the pain level is reduced.

5.Avoid bending at the waist. Instead knee bend: This is a common regulation when on the job, but for people with back conditions, it’s especially important. If your back is “properly functioning and stacked” you could probably bend at the waist with no harm as long as it’s not on a regular basis. You should follow the “better safe than sorry” approach to lifting to avoid potential injury.

6. Maintain your best posture: Paying attention to your posture as much as possible is vital to keeping the spine in good shape. Whether you sit at a computer or relax on the couch, the indication is that gravity is constantly exerting force on the muscles, ligaments, and joints. 

The pressure can be evenly distributed when you practice good posture so specific areas don’t endure undue stress. Slumping or slouching over the computer with the head protruded creates bad posture and disrupts the spine curvature.

Correcting the posture helps the efficiency of the body creating less fatigue and avoiding potential damage and relating pain down the road.

7. Carry lightweight bags: The musculoskeletal system is already responsible for carrying your body weight and enduring typical body movement. Adding extra to that load when carrying things can prove challenging making it important to keep the weight to a limit. 

If you carry a bag or a backpack on a standard basis, make sure it’s lightweight to reduce chances for back or neck strain. It helps to evenly distribute the weight for the body. For guidance on whether you might need to see a chiropractor go to

Even when you don’t have symptoms, there could be an issue of which you’re unaware due to the nature of your habits. The foundation for the body is the spine which equates to being a “movement powerhouse” for everything we do. It’s vital to pay attention to back and neck health and find the best chiropractic care at the first sign of a potential issue – before there is pain, damage, or injury.

By Caitlyn

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