Lose Hair While On TRT

In the treatment of cancer, testosterone treatment may seem drastic. The name of testosterone therapy is plagued with negative stories of hair loss, testicular atrophy, and even the development of breasts.

Hair loss and trt

There is absolutely no doubt these symptoms can occur. Still, often, the symptoms result from misguided use and a lack of specialized knowledge on the part of the prescribing physician.

In trt hair loss the simple truth is that testosterone replacement alone is rarely sufficient, which is why supplements, vitamins, or over-the-counter/prescription hair growth products like minoxidil (aka Rogaine) are highly encouraged if not outright prescribed.

A natural androgen, testosterone can be converted into other signaling molecules that can cause side effects in your body, such as progesterone and estrogen. Because sperm is such a complex hormone within the human body, it is vital to take a holistic approach to treat the condition.

If you read through this article, you will hopefully understand everything that goes into a TRT treatment and be more prepared for what to look out for when embarking on your HRT journey.

Hair Loss

It is a common occurrence for men worldwide to lose their hair. Genetics and environment both play a role in causing hair loss, as they do with many conditions. You can do some things within your environment to limit the risk of balding, though little can be done on your inherited genes.

For men who want to regain some of their youthfulness through the power of hormones, testosterone therapy is a great option. Testosterone can help improve your health, but it can also contribute to hair loss, receding hairlines, and hair thinning.

What can TRT do to your hair?

If you think about testosterone and hair, you will most likely think that the two are positively correlated. Adolescence is when testosterone peaks, and it is during this time that new hair grows. In contrast to testosterone’s ability to increase body hair growth, it can dramatically alter the growth of hair follicles on the scalp.

As the body converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is produced. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, is associated with elevated levels of DHT in the scalp. Testosterone levels can be elevated due to testosterone replacement therapy, which can cause more testosterone to be converted into DHT.


In many cases, men still desire the benefits of TRT, which would be the simplest solution. Fortunately, other ways to minimize hair loss during TRT besides cessation. The DHT production rate can be slowed, and hair loss can be decreased with a drug known as finasteride.


TRT is a treatment like any other. It comes with side effects like any other. There is the possibility of hair loss, testicular atrophy, enlargement of the breast, and acne when undergoing TRT. We are a leader in testosterone replacement therapy because we have an experienced healthcare team that knows how to avoid these pitfalls.

Patients can get more therapeutic value from their treatment by adding testosterone to HCG, estrogen blockers, or finasteride, and not worrying about adverse side effects.

By Caitlyn

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