apps that pay you to walk

Do you walk for some distance daily? Is running or jogging your daily routine? If yes, then Congratulations and get ready for earning for some extra pennies! There are many apps out there which pay you to walk!

Since the active body movements have declined a lot in this technological world, People who have an active lifestyle are being awarded by many mobile applications or websites that are made solely for this purpose. The only aim of such organizations is to promote health and wellness. You get paid for walking, running or cycling.

The apps generally set fitness goals for their users, and encourage you to do some physical activity by awarding you. Rewards can be redeemed as cash, coupons or vouchers, and can also be donated to a charity.

More is your physical activity, more you can earn. However, mind it, you certainly cannot become rich solely by this earning, but isn’t it amazing to get paid for doing what you already do in your routine!

Find ahead a list of best apps that pay you to walk.

1. SweatCoin

Based in the United Kingdom, Sweatcoin is a highly downloaded health app. This app pays you for every step you take outside your home. The payment is done in the form of sweatcoins which can be redeemed in the form of various goods and services.

The app sets daily walking limit for you before giving you any point. For your 1000 walking steps, you will be awarded 0.95 sweatcoins. Note here that this app only counts the outdoor steps and not the steps that you walk inside your home or office or elsewhere.

For the verification of the distance covered, the app makes use of GPS location as well as accelerometer of your phone. Moreover, the app also relies on an algorithm to remove the cases of driving.

Get rewarded with the gift cards, goods like sports shoes or watches, and services such as yoga classes, by redeeming the sweatcoins. These rewards are never fixed, so you can wait until something of your choice appears in the choices. The value of these rewards can go up to $1000, so what are you waiting for? Grab the benefits!

Sweatcoins can also be transferred to friends or relatives, so the app not only helps or motivate you but your loved ones as well. Last but not least, these points can also be sent as charity donations and you can give a helping hand in a social cause.

2. Walgreens Balance Rewards

Walgreens is a leading pharmacy chain in US. The company has come up with a balance rewards app to promote health and fitness. The app does not have a tracker of its own, rather it can be linked to any fitness tracker that you possess. Based on the distance covered by you, balance reward points will be added into your Walgreens account.

Walking a distance of one mile will award you with 20 points. You can receive maximum of 1000 points per month which can be redeemed at any Walgreens store. In addition to getting points on walking or running, keeping a track of your health parameters in the app will also award some points.

3. Higi

This app relies on other health apps installed on your smartphone. Higi has near about 11k health stations in various cities worldwide and has links with about 100 health devices and apps. The app has only one aim of promoting health and wellness.

Higi can be linked to apps and devices like Fitbit, RunKeeper, Nike+, i-health, and others. You will get reward points at Higi for your workout sessions or body movements tracked on linked apps. The higi app gives points according to the miles covered by you.

The higi heath tracking stations are installed at pharmaceutical stores, community centers, and other public sites. They have the facility of measuring various body parameters like Blood pressure, sugar, weight, fat, and others. The results of these checks will be shown and stored in your Higi account where you can keep a track of these parameters and analyze your body performance and fitness. The app also has the privilege to share this data with your doctor. Visiting the Higi health stations also adds points in your Higi account.

You can redeem the Higi points in the form of prizes or discounts on different healthcare items. Make your friends sign up for Higi, and earn more points. It is also sometimes possible to donate to charities.

4. Achievement

It is one of the best apps that pays you for your healthy activities. The app doesn’t work on its own. You should be using some other health app to which this Achievement app will be linked such as Fitbit, MapMyFitness, Samsung Health, Apple health and many more. After the apps are linked, you are all set to earn points.

Ultimately, you will be earning for what you were already doing. Isn’t it exciting! The app considers almost all sort of physical activities like walking, running, meditating or biking. Maximum of 86 points can be earned per day.

10000 points in the app will award you with $10, which you can actually redeem as CASH. The money will either be transferred directly to your bank account or can be used PayPal. There is also an option for donating your points cum money to a charity.

The highest amount that you can earn up to in a year is $30. Seems less? But think of the effort that you need to make! It is nothing except linking this Achievement app with the other health apps you already use.

5. Charity miles:

Charitymiles, as the name suggests, works only for raising funds for charities. The app allows you to raise money for your favorite charity by letting the app track your daily movements. It also aims to motivate you to walk or run more for making more money for the social work you love to do, and hence, helps in making you fit and healthy.

There are 8 sponsors of this app who award the user with the charity money here, by cutting their budget of advertising their products or company. You can choose from 42 charities for which you want to raise money. So, download this app, start walking and help those who are in need.

You can earn for almost all sort of body movements irrespective of whether these are done indoor or outdoor. Depending upon the distance you cover, the app will donate certain amount of money to your favorite charity. However, the app must be opened to track your movements.

This app is so much popular that until now, more than $250000 have been raised for different charities. Walking for a good cause will make you feel proud and confident in yourself.

6. BetterPoints:

This app is available for individuals living in the United Kingdom and European countries. You need to sign up into the app and join one or more programmes of your choice. For every healthy body activity that you do like walking, cycling or others, the app will award you with BetterPoints.

BetterPoints can be redeemed as real money in the form of vouchers or gift cards. It’s your take whether to use these vouchers at various stores or eatery shops or to donate them to charity.

7. Healthywage:

In this app, the users are made to bet on themselves for how much weight they can lose in a particular time interval. If you end up losing, you will lose money.

Since no one wants to risk the real money, the app is highly motivating in making you achieve the goals you set. In case you fulfill the challenge, you will be awarded cash prize. You can win as maximum as 10k dollars!

Final thoughts:

So guys, someone is paying you for taking care of yourself. What else can be more good! If you are already an active person, must sign up for one or more of these apps, and start earning. And, if you are not involved in any body activity until now, then come out of your comfort zone, perform some physical activities, and in turn, earn money. Go ahead, run and earn – for yourself, for your friends or for a charity!

By Caitlyn

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