Skin Cancer Clinic Sydney

Here’s an interesting fact- if your skin was to be laid down in a single file line, it could go upto 21 feet. It accounts for about fifteen percent of your body weight and is the largest organ. Therefore, taking care of your skin is crucial which includes regular tending and checkups if required. A dermatologist is a doctor who is specifically trained in skin conditions and diseases. If you notice any irregularities on your skin, it’s safe and advisable to make an appointment with a dermatologist. 

This post covers everything you need to know and prepare for while visiting a skin cancer clinic in sydney. You should know what to expect since there is limited time during an appointment and a lot of ground to cover. 

We’ll provide you with a list of things you can do to be prepared for questions as well as answers. You can also visit websites of various doctors and clinics for more detailed and specific information. 

How is skin cancer tested?

In order to determine the existence of skin cancer, you have to undergo a visual test known as the skin cancer screening. The doctor inspects your skin for any irregularities or symptoms. Although you can do it yourself as well, it’s better to get a professional opinion. 

The screening merely checks if you have signs of skin cancer. If the test proves the possibility of skin cancer, a biopsy is conducted for confirmation. 

How to prepare?

a) Questions to ask

Primarily, you should prepare for questions to ask. More often than not, we have several questions in our minds but we forget them by the time we get to the clinic. Here is a list of topics to ask questions about:

  1. Type of skin cancer
  2. Options if it is not skin cancer
  3. Treatment of any other skin disease apart from skin cancer
  4. Growth and spread of my type of cancer
  5. Treatment options and risks
  6. Precautions
  7. Cost and time for the treatment
  8. Risk of additional cancer
  9. Avoiding additional cancer
  10. Regular skin checkups
  11. Follow-up visits
  12. The need for a specialist
  13. An alternative to the medicine prescribed

Apart from the planned questions, don’t be hesitant to bombard your doctor with any other doubts you may have. 

 b) Questions to expect

This is more of personal preparation. Your doctor will ask you some basic questions and it’ll be helpful for both if you are prepared for them. You can save time and move on to more pressing questions. Some basic questions are listed here-

  1. For how long have you had symptoms of skin cancer or any skin abnormality?
  2. Does your skin abnormality cause any itching or pain?
  3. How relentless are your symptoms?

c) Physical Preparation

Your skin needs to be fresh and raw for the check-up. Ensure that you’re not wearing any makeup or nail polish.

If you have seen anything irregular on your body, clean it properly and shave if it’s a hairy spot so that the doctor doesn’t miss it. 

Also, try to keep your hair loose so that your scalp check is conveniently feasible. 

d) Points to consider

Some helpful tips-

  1. Be well-informed and follow any pre-appointment restrictions

This is a necessary point to keep in mind. It’s best if you visit the website of the clinic or doctor you’re visiting. Mostly, the entire process of the check-up is mentioned on the site. This way you can protect yourself from any major surprises. 

Secondly, if you are provided with any pre-appointment restrictions, make sure to follow them to the T to prevent any unwanted results. 

  1. Preferably take a family member along

Any physical health problem brings mental health problems along. You should have a close friend or family member along with you for moral support and to reduce any anxiety before or after the tests. They also help you to remember anything you might have forgotten during the appointment.

  1. Jot down all your symptoms

This is in accordance with preparing for the questions. If you have a bunch of issues to discuss, it’s efficient to write them down to help you remember them. 

  1. Jot down all your medication

Any new doctor treating you is going to ask about your history of medications. To ensure that you don’t skip anything, make a list of all your allergies and history of major diseases so that your medications don’t overlap or react due to non-compatibility. 

Apart from these points, you must keep in mind any imperative personal information. Any major life changes or stress plays a huge role in disease treatment and medication. 

That’s pretty much it. You can use these tips to prepare for any other major doctor’s appointment as well. Keep in mind to stay composed and express all your concerns freely. You must be prepared in every aspect to get the most out of your appointment in a limited time frame. 

By Caitlyn

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