Angiography Test

Angiography is popular medical care used to visualise the circulation of the blood. It may be essential in identifying a variety of medical disorders. It also allows for intervention and treatment of blockages and other problems, particularly those affecting the cardiovascular system (namely the brain and heart).

Chest pain, cardiac arrest, haemorrhage, or other disorders can develop when blood arteries become obstructed or injured. Angiography assists your doctor in determining the source of the pain and the degree of damage to the blood vessel sections being evaluated.

Discover the reasons to have an angiography test done and its types and procedures.

When is Angiography Needed? 

Among the many reasons, it is to get a perfect x-ray image of the blood flow in the body. During an angiography test, X-ray-opaque chemicals are injected into the circulation, and their path through the bloodstream is studied to diagnose problems. Angiography is often not seen as an elevated risk level operation, and the advantages are significant to those who are advised to undertake the angioplasty, which is usually successful.

Angiography may be used for more than just diagnosis and can also be considered to give therapy. Angioplasty, for instance, can be used to clear blockages and widen constricted arteries. As part of an angiography technique, fixed dilators called stents can expand the arteries and even seal aneurysms.

The most important reason for this test is that it allows your healthcare practitioner to see aberrant blood flow caused by stenosis (narrowing of blood arteries), abnormalities in the heart, haemorrhaging, or other blockages that need to be addressed. The organs served by the arteries are affected by improper blood circulation, which can raise the risk of chest pain (angina), cardiac arrest, stroke, and other complications.

Types of Angiography

Angiography comes in various forms, based on which body area is being examined. Some common types of angiogram are:

  1. Coronary Angiography – This procedure checks the heart and blood vessels nearby.
  2. Cerebral Angiography – This type of angiography examines the blood arteries in and around the brain.
  3. Pulmonary Angiography – Here, the blood vessels that supply the lungs are examined.

4. Renal Angiography – This procedure examines the blood vessels that         serve the kidneys.

Angiography can sometimes be performed with scans rather than X-rays. Some techniques tests that involve scan and angiography are CT angiography and MRI angiography. There are other test formats like Fluorescein angiography, which is a kind of angiography used to inspect the eyes and is distinct from the other forms of angiography.

Angiography is a technique that can identify and treat problems with the heart and brain’s blood flow. The primary reason for this test is that the potential gains would far exceed any risks involved. The risks of angiography resulting in damage have diminished and are now typically very low. You can discuss it with your health practitioner if you have any issues. Always understand the test process and take into consideration your current health, doctor’s consent and then proceed with the test. 

By Caitlyn

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